World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton: Iran Don't Dare! And Big win in Penn...

Hillary Clinton: Iran Don’t Dare! And big win in Penn…

I really have not been too confused on whom to vote for; this is my third article on the subject. I like to own guns, and I was in the military for eight years, and three years in the reserves, making it eleven years. And I never have liked the selection we had for our next president, but Hillary did something today I was very proud of, something President Bush didn’t have the guts to do, or any other president that I can remember except Eisenhower, and that was to tell Iran: we can, and we will obliterate you, should you try to do so to Israel. Perhaps a lot of folks do not like that kind of talk, but I like a persons cards on the table. Let them know what you are up against. If I was Hillary I’d say the same thing to North Korea, let them know the deadly force behind the soft spoken American voices. They know we can if we want, but somehow they forget we will, if we have to. North Korea has threatened the South with obliteration, as Iran has with Israel. It is only fair to let them know: have you forgotten these are our allies? What has happened to our man-guts, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Hillary has won the election in Pennsylvania, and perhaps well deserved, she has come a long way, and was not a quitters, as I saw a few other candidates were, whom I wanted to vote for, and they let me down and ran like chickens to wherever, I’m glad they did, they don’t deserve my vote. I kind of liked Obama, until he got a little arrogant, and cocky, and wants to take the guns away; I really do not think Hillary will win the whole show, but she could surprise me. My prediction would be, Obama, will not win either in the long run, he wants to take the guns away, and is ashamed of his middle name, and that arrogant side of him, I can’t stand; and the more he talks the more I turn away from him and say: he’s a mistake, never has a solid answer. On the other hand, Hillary might bring the boys home from Iraq, everyone promises this and that and when it comes time to do it, they don’t, but I do believe Hillary does not want to spend another 100-billion on the war, so she is the best chance for that, as far as cheap gas goes, she might bring it around, but we will not have it for long, we are running out of it. Plus she is tougher than I thought. Even McCain, didn’t have enough guts to back down Iran—or let them know what we can, and will do.
So congratulations Hillary on you win and perhaps your nomination as Democratic candidate—to be. I have voted Republican the last two times, or is it three, I forgot, I think it is time for a Democrat.

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Oil: A world Crisis Coming (soon)

Oil: a World Crisis

I don’t think anyone really wants to read this article, but I think they should, we got a growing world crisis on hand. I will not live to see it all the way through most likely, but the younger generation wills, those just under me by
Twenty years, and I’m 60-years old, the beginning of the crisis will start in 2010, yes soon. And by 2020, it will be a full fledged crisis, and by 2040, it will be black Sunday or close to it—empty. Let me explain the world oil crisis to the best of my knowledge, and I am not an oil expert, nor do you or me need to be, but I am learned in reading and writing, and can read the signs of the times, and graphs pretty well. So the data I am going to supple is pretty up to date stuff.

From the year 1997, we have perhaps (claimed anyway) 40-years of oil left underground in the world—depending on a few items, and looks like there will not be any conservation in the near future. The reason we got 40-years of oil, and not 30-years oil is because from 1980 to 1990 the world conserved oil, 50-billion barrels of oil. We did something right for once.
According to the Ph.D.’s in the oil business out there we have a 40,000-million-barrels (4 BBO/year x 10 years) (BBO =Billion Barrels of Oil)), that world oil production can and will use, beyond this, there is no more. From 1930 to 1997, we used 838-billion barrels of oil.
OPEC produces for the world about 10-billion barrels of oil a year, and they want to up that in the next few years. The world uses about 25-billion barrels a year. So you can see the future at this rate will hit a zenith of usage by 2010, over 30+ billion barrels a year. We must remember there is not an endless supply.
In 1979, the world used 64 MMBD (Million Barrels of Oil a Day), by 2010 it will be 85 MMBD. By 2020, if we do not conserve at 35 MMBD, we are going into a vortex of some kind of unthinkable crisis, we will have to conserve, be forced to, a barrel may be over 300+ by that time. I do not drive while in Lima, or Huancayo Peru: WHY? To conserve, plus it is cheaper to use a taxi or bus. Thus, I can buy more food.
What I am really saying is this: we are going to witness soon something beyond the world’s experience, and it is later than you think; government’s best plan on an oil supply crisis, not trying to figure out how to land on Mars. We got to figure out how to live the next generation out.

The question I somewhat answered previously, I will make clear again: when will worldwide oil demand exceed global oil supply, this question is overlook by everybody in the business, and its users, but I see a prediction date at 2010-2014.
I do not want to blame any country or anybody for the coming crises, these pointing fingers is not going to do any good, nor solve the problem. We all can come up with good reasons for sucking the earth dry of oil, but my suggestion is, let the big boys figure this out, and figure it out soon, so the well doesn’t go dry before you get to the gas station.
If we were to add future discoveries of oil, it would look insignificant, but we can look at it, perhaps two-billion barrows a year will be discovered, so the experts say, and this can be stretched out for 60-years, but it really doesn’t change much. At the rate we are going now, 85-billion barrels a year, it is two and half years of oil, and that is “if” we find new oil. And at this point, you will be able to buy the gas station building for a full tank of gas.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Zimbabwe: Democracy at its Worse

Zimbabwe: Democracy at its Worse

I don’t know what is going to happen over this election in Zimbabwe, the world knows Robert Mugabe lost the election; he now wants to have a recount in over 20-districks, this is democracy at its worse, matter-of-fact a mockery of democracy. Leaders and countries of leaders use the word loosely to get world support nowadays, when in essence it is a dictatorship, and the only thing Mugabe is doing, is going through the motions. The past results have yet to be released. I know all this is old news, but it just needs to be retold before I give my opinion, and of course that is exactly what it is, my way of thinking, and perhaps, a few others.
China is no friend to human rights either in Zimbabwe, and they better hope Mugabe wins because if he doesn’t, the new leader will remember the shipment of arms they are sending to kill more Zimbabwe’s (and China wants to look pretty to the world, what a way to do it).
Now for my opinion; the United Nations, and the EU and USA, they all like the word Democracy, and for ten-years, Zimbabwe has been parading that word around the world, around like they own it, proud of it. This is supposed to be the United State’s goal, or so it seems, for countries, to try on Democracy, a government by the people for the people; whom you elect, is what you get, and if you get what you don’t want, because it turns out bad, well, you made a bad choice, you got to live with it. Now I’m no Einstein, but I can figure out this one I think. If I did all I could to play the game right, and democracy turned out not to work, and you end up with the same guy you tried to get rid of, who uses the word Democracy, but does not go along with it—and uses deadly force to keep his grips onto his throne, and the world says “He’s a bad boy, now wait for five years, or ten more years and try a new democratic election,” what would you say?
I know what I’d say…stick it buddy where the sun don’t shine.
Why, because it doesn’t work, and no one came to our rescue, only gave us lip service. Thus, you now have created a rebel group, to fight the government, and now the illegal government, and other nations are going to call it a terrorist group in time, which it is no. It is kind of like trying to convert someone to Christianity, and when he sees how bad the Christians act, like the priests have recently in the Holy Church in Jerusalem—fist fighting over a prayer spot, you say to yourself: I think I’ll stay with my old religion, or try to find something else, but you do not join the sect that is fighting—you just lost respect for it, right or wrong, the actions of the priests speak loud and clear of their hearts.
So to the politicians of Democracy, if you do not get rid of the weeds in Zimbabwe, you may never have another chance for it to bud into a democracy again.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

The Government of Peru! Anti People Orientated

The Government of Peru! Anti People Orientated

I’ve been t, or in, Peru nine times, lived there for two years in one stretch, and I’ve yet to understand their way of thinking, but it looks to me they are far from being society orientated for the people, rather for the government. The people are warm, but they will rob you in a blink of an eye. The Government is the host to all this robbery, they do little about it (and you can buy your way out of anything, a reckless driving ticket will cost you $6.), no wonder they say Peru is the most corrupt country in South America, it is true. Sorry to say but the government is cold towards their own people. They have the highest telephone bills in all South America, why I don’t know, but someone is getting rich off the poor. They have all these natural resources, oil, and natural gas, and the gas prices are sky high, and the people in the mountains and small villages, that have no source of security or money to buy heat have to fend for themselves. An example is, the government will send those folks blankets, why not gas heaters, and natural gas, like the rich folks in Lima, who really do not need them half as much? It is cold in the Andes in winter. And for the policing, they pay taxes, yet it is up to the community to keep the village safe, unless you want less then less, and the Government spends millions on trying to make Machu Picchu look pretty, and what do they do with the pretty money?
The last three presidents have been said to have robbed the country blind, and the one they got now, ran to Paris for ten-years—lived pretty good, after he brought the country to its knees, with 1000% inflation, and now is walking around like a peacock because his country is doing well, and he thinks it is his doings: it is doing well because Bush is doing bad, and the previous two presidents, Fujimori took care of the bad guys, and Toledo, took care of the economy, Garcia, the now president, takes care of his stomach, he is as large as a whale, and does little more—the best I can say for him is he has started an education program, thank goodness, 14-year olds could previously, teach the teachers, and this is not a joke, they are now failing the tests to be reissued a teachers license and the tests have been passed by pre college students, some at the age of 14.
In addition, Garcia took away the pensions of thousands of people trying to retire under the old law, thus making a new one; the problem with this is, people over 40 in Peru, cannot find a job, the government does not have a policy where the company or employer has to hire you equally, they take the young, and throw the old in the gutter, no matter what they know and can do. The old pension policy, helped with people being able to retire early, in such cases, now they starve to death, or rob the neighbor. The people have caught on to this, and are of cause helpless, and so they take the law into their own hands, since there is no law, nor relief, and corruption breeds’ corruption.

President Garcia says he wants to fight corruption in Peru, I’ve found out in my time in Peru, he’s been more the problem, than the solution. Perhaps he feels he did his penitence in Paris, the past ten-years, after robbing the country blind, and running from the law, until the statue of limitations ran out. Anyhow, in San Juan Miraflores, where I live, and know the Mayor, a district of Lima, 340,000 residents, for the city is between 5 to 8 million, depending on how much of the city you want to put into the gamut of data. Here, if you go to the municipality, for a complaint, they will try to do everything to keep you away from the Mayor. If your district says you can build a four story building, for $3000-dollars you can build an illegal fifth floor (how do I know this, the owner of a building is building his fifth floor right as I write this now, up the block from my house, I talked to him how much he had to slip the clerk), just do not let the Mayor know; the whole construction area is plagued with illegal activity, as is the police force. I can’t say the Mayor is, but his people that work for him are.
Matter of fact, they send out bogus bills for $250-dollars if you do not show your tax forms on time (house tax); if you cannot show them the past ten-years of your taxes also, you have to pay in addition to the $250 fine, ten-years back taxes on your house, or from the day you built it. And if you do not pay, they put it on your house taxes, which then, the house can be taken away with in a matter of months or years, it is up to them. And they got your taxes anyhow in the file next to them, but legally, they do not have to pull open the drawer, and they don’t.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

China vs. Cafferty

Now the Chinese are mad because someone has spoken up about their government, trying to silence CNN’s commentator, Cafferty, the only one to call a spade a spade. Like the Muslims, who fear freedom of speech, and demand the world look at them through unrealistic plastic eyes, now China does the same. Pretty soon, America will have to shut up, and say nothing about anything. Cafferty said in essence, we buy all their junk (Chinese trinkets he means), and we do (as they hold billions of our dollars and buy arms for the World War Three), and he adds, they are really a bunch of gangsters running the Government, and it is pretty much towards the truth, the only difference is, they have become legitimate over the past fifty years, but that is what they were when they started out—much like Saddam in Iraq, and Castro in Cuba. Much like most of South America, and Central America, and Cambodia, and—well I could go on and on; China wants us to look the other way when it comes to Taiwan, and Tibet, as does Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, and Iran and Syria. Should we? It is really something we all talk about anyhow, we just do not have the means to get on TV and make it public. I go from store to store, in Lima, Peru, or in St. Paul, Minnesota, and what do I see, exactly what Cafferty says he sees, junk we call it, but again it is little trinkets, China has flooded the market with such items, like Japan did fiftey-years ago.
The movie that has recently been the talk of the decade, about Muslims, really only shows what they’ve done, why in heavens name is it so bad to watch; it was all shown on TV long ago, it simple is a wakeup call on what they did, and could do again, and are doing at this very moment—I have Muslim and Jewish friends, and Christian friends so what, and I have black friends, so what, and I have Chinese friends, so what. And all my friends talk about fixing America, not China, or the Middle East, or Israel; they talk about America—again so what.
My advice to China and the Muslim world, clean up you act up, if you want a clean bill of health. I never saw such silliness in my life, where a country cries over remarks that are almost right on the center. China and many of the Middle Eastern countries have their populations brainwashed—we all know this, this is no new revelation, they only tell what they want them to know, and when they find out the truth, which the nation is trying to hide, then the Governments get made at the Western media for exposing their devilish deeds: so must we hide our heads like in a hole like an ant eater to appease them? This is a new world order, and it will get harder and harder to hid such devilish acts unless you become a part of North Korea, where all you can do is look across the dividing line to the South and wish, and go back to your hidden society.
Incidentally, when I was in China, I bought the Chinese English paper, and they cut down America and its people scornfully—publicly. And I doubt they have stopped, so China clean your house out first, before you start pointing fingers.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Obama, He’s starting to sound—lacking!

The more I hear of Obama lately, the less I like him. What comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. Now he down grades small town folks. In addition, He also believes no one should have a gun but the robbers, and those protecting him. What next? I don’t care for any of the candidates to be frank, and so I got to pick the best out of the worse, and so far the best plan to get out of Iraq, is Hillary, and she I do not think will dare try to take our guns away—Obama believes the second amendment is his, and only his to own, that is called vanity. McCain will drain the country dry and leave our Americans in Iraq until they blow a gasket inside their heads, like Bush has. So we have Cancer, Aids and Ulcers to choose from, not a good selection. I hate all this “I’m sorry,” business if I offended this or that party or group— “…Forgive me!” It sounds like we got a bunch of backyard uneducated kids running for office; say what you mean, and mean what you say, or don’t say anything, you look better that way. Obama is even ashamed of his middle name because it is Arab. If the Teamsters have any dignity, they will not help Obama, if so they will be robbing from their votes, their Union that is—in the future. When Obama gave his speech on how he was going to deal with Iraq, I think he was the only one that could figure his own humdrum speech out, I couldn’t. It sounded to me like he was trying to butter both sides of his bread at the same time, tap dancing in the middle of the floor around everybody. Say what you mean, and mean what you say, don’t hide in the corner and try to figure out your next move, but be upfront, and you will not have to have a good memory.

Even James Dobson has expressed disappointment with this selection of candidates for president. How we ever ended up with these is beyond me. It has been said, the Democratic nominee battle will weaken the chance to take on the presumptive Republican candidate, Sen. John McCain. First of all I think they are badly mistaken, Hillary and Obama are getting a lot of show time, costly and free. No one really knows McCain’s agenda for the future, and what little we do no, is not good, so this is a gift for the two fighters Hillary and Obama. If Hillary wins, I do not think it will be much of a fight with McCain, if Obama wins, it will be a fight to the end, both are unpredictable, and I doubt could run a country. With Hillary, we get Bill free, at least he kept our heads above water.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Searching for Victory in Iraq

I read the other day, President Bush is the only one with a plan of escape from the Iraqi war, and it is an individual one—for him alone on January 20, 2009, when he leaves office. How can he have gotten all into another Vietnam, and he did. The sad thing is, as in Vietnam, we won the war, but lost the peace. Why? There is a reason; it is called rules of engagement. Wars only have rules for mighty, when they fight the less mighty. Rules are really silly; they get in the way of victory. Who ever says to the victory “You fought dirty,” after they lost the war? No one dares.
So now what could we do to win the peace for Iraq—this should be the question? The same thing we didn’t do in Vietnam, we are doing now, let me explain.
In Vietnam, we were afraid to blow Hanoi off the map, had we, we would have won the war and peace; Hanoi on the other hand, cried to the world, how unfair America was, then when we left, they jumped on the bandwagon, and screamed how they chased America away with their might; far from the truth, of course.
If we got rid of Iran (likened to Hanoi), 60% of our problem would be solved. Syria would hide its head like a stork, and we could get on our way with making peace, not sure why were we are still there anyhow, but if making peace is the thing, then this is surely part of the program that needs to be looked at—I say let them make their own peace. The only good thing that came out of this war was ridding the world of Saddam: other than that, we should not be there.
My suggestion is leave, we won the war, and it is not the duty of the victor to renovate their whole country. A friend of mine said to me the other day, in Lima Peru that Peru should go to war with America, because we’d then get a new facelift, free.
In any case, if we are not willing to invade Iran, and start up another war, to stop the war in Iraq, we are simply drying ourselves out, likened to prunes or weeds in a once beautiful garden. Get hold of Israel, and invade with them, I think they’d be more than happy to assist us, or do it alone, but do it and deal with public opinion later.
It is a shame what is happening in Iraq today. A whole nation living in a state of panic, families being destroyed, and for what, because of a president’s pride, or a nation’s lack of resolve to go to the full course, and finish the job.
Former President Carter wants to talk to Hamas, and Iran, let him do so, it can’t hurt, better policy than flexing muscles you don’t use anyhow.
We are going to end up with a sick generation because of toll this is having on our youth. Fighting a war is easy compared to trying to baby-sit a nation that wants only your pocket book, and willing to die youth.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jill Sawitt's China Get Serious Policy (seen on CNN)

Jill Sawitt, puts it in the proper perspective on her CNN article: “…the Olympics are a necessary forum for political speech.” She goes on to say: “The Olympic Charter says, ‘The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity."’ And adds, China, in fact, has used the Games as a blunt political tool for 50 years, denying athletes from Taiwan the right to participate. Also she adds ‘The right to protest and the ability to assemble and speak freely are some of the most basic human rights. The free exercise of these rights is what separates, in many cases, democracies from dictatorships. To call for a cessation of protests is to deny those basic rights and all they represent.’ So good for Jill, I am for her powerful words. Her end sentence is: The question is not, ‘Should protests be tied to the Olympics?" The question is, "Why aren't more people raising their voices?"’

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mr. Wang’s Chinese Sunshine Policy

L. Ling-chi Wang, I read his article on CNN today, and how un- empathetic can a man be. He scolds the world for protesting against the Chinese for their aggressive ways with Tibet, and other countries, and points the finger at others countries that are hypocrites for the way they live—yes, he likes to point fingers, but does not want them pointed at China. What is really happening is that Mr. L. Ling-chi Wang, the world is seeing China for what it is, and China is embarrassed, shameful, and should be, as any country that hogties another people, puts them under their heal should be. He wants everyone to leave China alone, and let the Olympics go as planned; but this is perhaps the only opportunity Tibet will get for showing their case of persecution to the world, so how can he blame them. China uses every opportunity to lie to the world about this and that, it is Tibet’s turn. No one like’s equal aggressive play…they like to have the upper hand all the time, well not this time Wang. This is really a good chance for China to see how the world sees them (if the care they will take this to heart and clean up their act), not how they see the world, for China sees the world as an opportunity to build up an equal arsenal to threaten Taiwan and let the United States know they are equal in arms, so stand back; it is just a matter of time when the Chinese will come with the big bat and proclaim to Taiwan and the US, it is time to fight or back off. And I suppose he is secure in his home, and should he have to live under the heal of the Chinese like the Tibetans, he’d have a different story to tell, they all do. And yes we get a lot of trinkets from China, not sure why he puts that into his article, things we don’t really need that we can buy from another country, at any local dime-store. If anything, China should be grateful we are buying and employing their 1.3 billion people. Mr. Wang would have us all put tape over our months and pretend nothing is happening. If China goes into hibernation, as he indicates it might over this, well, so be it, and it is the price you have to pay when you open the doors to the world: everyone has paid that price, why is China different. You can’t have a picnic on dead bodies without some kind of disruption, unless you try like China did to hide the fact they are who they really are, aggressive and dominating to the Tibetans. He badmouths the United States over Iraq, and he and China have a right to do that, and I doubt the United States is going to hid its head in a hole over it, and let’s hope the war in Iraq stops by all the protests we are now having, and let’s hope, China stops playing the bully to Taiwan, and Tibet, and it if goes into a hole and hides its head, who cares anyhow, they will have to find another way how to steal American technology to build their war machine.

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Iraw, Death Row (4-2008)

Iraq, Death Row

Iraq has taken a superpower, with all its resources and drained it dry, likened to an empty soup bowl, and for what? We won a war, that should be good enough, but no one will win a peace over there. We are doing exactly what the enemy wants, draining, draining and draining, our nation’s assets, at a cost for a broken down, ungrateful waistband of a nation.
Most Americans do not know why we are over there, and neither do our leaders and I doubt the President has a good reason anymore himself. Unless he uses the old philosophy of fight there or in our country, which has long lost its getup and go; it no longer makes any sense.
America is in a recession, the dollar is next to worthless in the world around America, the will of the soldiers are nil, and numbing of many families, what on earth does the president expect the American people to do with such humdrum leadership.
Every week 40-soldiers die for a country that prays each night we leave theirs. We spend 3-billion dollars a day of our tax money, or perhaps we are just printing it up, like toilet paper, and no wonder no one wants the dollar any more—we could be using it for better reasons; I am lead to believe the president of the United States needs some kind of shock therapy to get him back to reality. I am an 11-year veteran, and Vietnam veteran, and this is a sorry case of misleadership; I have to believe the President is sane, and therefore it has to be for the rich to get richer with the contracts they are getting from the government, and the banking industry, which could careless if a soldier or two dies for their greater cause of power vs. control, except if it is there sons going to war.
