World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is America Georgia? (Putin says so.)

Is America Guilty…in Georgia?
Putin says so.

I see a lot of politicians, those close to President Bush anyhow, saying how ludicrous President Putin’s remarks were, that our President had something to do with Georgia having enough guts to go forward and bomb their regions, to be subservient (how else would he have such guts); and in the process, killing all those civilians, Bush is trying to overlook, and keep quiet.
I don’t agree with the Russian tactics, but I surely don’t agree with Georgia’s either, whom seem to be getting absolution for their deadly deeds. But what is also interesting is after seven years of not giving an interview Putin does. Why? Perhaps he is hurt. A tender word for a muscle man, who doesn’t smile much, who has changed a sleeping bear to a happy bear with a bowel of honey, since they got all that oil, and now a—yes hurt bear. This friendship he had with our President must seem, full of holes for him, it would for me. I mean, I would be asking: are we only friends when I bend over backwards, how about you. It has been kind of a one sided relationship.
He said once, or the president of Russia said it, they have enough land, they don’t need more. How true that statement can be. And they do want to be part of the human race; they paid a dear price for it, giving up some 14 to 17, regions, since the cold war ended. And what have they gotten for it? Not even a thank you. But that statement Putin made, blaming it on the United States, that statement so many politicians said was ludicrous, how close to the truth was it, and it was pretty close I think. Even with old enemies, like Russia, what they say has some truth, if not logic to them. I agree, they don’t think like us, but half the world doesn’t think like us, not just Russia. Not sure if that is all good or bad.
Could it be, President Bush said to Georgia, “If you want, go ahead and take back your two regions, but don’t quote me, we’ll back you up; I doubt the bear will get over temperamental, plus we got strategies for that!”
Now the question comes up: why would he say that, and this is all guessing—what they call fiction, perhaps in the future, it will be less fiction and more fact, and it will come out in future times more dramatically, but it never does at the happening moment (behind closed doors).
If I was to take a guess, it would be that someone wanted to impress Georgia, we like doing that a lot you know in North America. And by saying what we said, they did what they wanted to do, and the US and Georgia got a shock treatment in return. This of course would not have been tried during the Cold War, but we got braver. And when Georgia found out the US could do little but talk, they went into a panic. And the US Presidency went frantic, that our powerful name could not move an angry bear, just nudged him a bit. It didn’t look good. There goes our future base, a supporting country that sent 2000-troops to the Middle East for us. And now in return we send those $20-million dollars worth of tax paying goods, for nothing, as if we owed it to them, as if we did something wrong, and want repay them, so they don’t tell the world the truth: a kind of silent blackmail.
Sometimes we say things we regret, and we do regret our president did what they did, I do anyhow, and it has put the world on edge, he is careless. And everyone is blaming Russia, which is a mistake; there is more in this than meets the eye. We counted our Chickens before they hatched, as they say, and one didn’t hatch as planned. We have to learn how not to be so blatant.
We need to mend fences, and it is not by covering up our dirty deeds by having the EU and UN, find loopholes to punish a bear that has all the honey on the other side of the world. Perhaps we need a president, as does Georgia that is more responsible for his actions.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home for: South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Home Sweet Home for:
South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Well, this may not be what everyone wants to hear, but I agree with Russia, with the two breakaway sections of Georgia, whom seem to have found a home, and are quite satisfied not being a part of Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia): giving them independence, like Georgia wanted, like Kosovo got. This settles for the most part, an element that could have lead, and still might lead, if America, NATO, and East Europe, do not settle down, into a mess.
Georgia attacked a lesser military supplied and alerted region, that has wanted independence, since Georgia had gotten theirs, and for some reason Georgia did not take that into consideration, nor the USA, nor the UN, nor the EU, nor NATO.
Russia is not doing anything the USA has not done already, or Europe has not done, or China has not done, and is still doing, and they are still in the ballgame.
Everyone should be mad at the President of Georgia, yet they insist on backing up this little winy country, that will trigger a World War. NATO should have put Georgia into their nest when President Bush asked them to years ago, but the Europeans were taking a siesta, thinking they were untouchable. Yet the bear, Russia was on the alert status, looking for honey, and grabbed the moment. Simple as that, and now we try to black mark a global player in the world economy, who has as many nukes as the US, over a stupid man’s greed to force two Kosovo’s into one Georgia.
When will we learn: let them be, have we not learned a thing from WWI. Matter of fact the last two world wars, were because of Europe’s greed over this or that, and who came to the rescue? This time, will be the same, with one element missing, the United States will come to the rescue, but it will be too late (when they do), and the Iraqi war will look like a backyard brawl compared to what Russia has in store for such an event.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Russian Doctrine ( Part Two: Iran and Nuclear Warfare)

The Russia Doctrine
(For the world)

Is Russia preparing for war with America, the United States? Yes and no. They are preparing for something, and if it is the United Sates so be it, and if it is Israel so be it, and if it is the breakaway countries of Eastern Europe, so be it—and if NATO gets involve, who knows. They had one doctrine in 2000, and modified that in 2007, the doctrine is military of course, and all the commanders know they must be ready, as they were in Georgia, we saw how ready they really are, and they are ready, speedy and without question, and they know how to take down a weak nation.
Russia sees itself being smothered, if not under enemy control, don’t laugh, it has been forced feed into their systems for almost a century. It is like the old saying goes: if you tell a person long enough you don’t like chicken soup, he’ll come to believe he doesn’t.
I don’t see Russia planning an attack the United States, or the other way around, this is a different war, more on the order of a boarder war, with East Europeans, if it sparks something worse, than it does, but perhaps the days of cooperation are at its end, or close to it.
When Russia marries Iran, or takes them into their arms, then we got more trouble, the nastiness becomes home spun, the hostility will begin if Iran demands Russian support over Israel, and Russia gives it.
The good thing we got out of Russia, if anything is support working against terrorism, the Islamic element of it. And thus, we see internal security a major issue with Russia, as we do in the United States, and Western Europe. All this and more is built into the new doctrine, along with the west being responsible to recognize the Russian area of influence. They kind of feel they are, or were doing Eastern Europe a favor by protecting it, and I suppose this sparked Georgia, thinking they still had that right. On the other hand, NATO, which is proxy for the U. S., does as it please, anyplace in the world, which Russia surely sees as a bone of contention.
We need to look at the fact, they lost the so called Cold War, another bone of contention, and when a dog is done one should not kick him, and they kind of feel they’ve been kicked, and a hurt dog is dangerous, so when they can bend their doctrine, they will, as they did in Georgia.
China and Russia are becoming closer, as is Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela, and North Korea, sounds like the good old days, all our enemies turn to Russia. All these folks need technology Russia has, what we may be seeing soon is that lack of cooperation I was talking about, going, going gone to those countries. This new doctrine is only ink on white; it can be, whitened out.

Part Two Iran and Nuclear Warfare

Part of the doctrine, or so called new policy is for Russia’s military (so the chief of staff has said), if threatened, or in case of a major threat, the use of nuclear weapons will be considered, and he wants the world to take this into consideration; that is to say, if Russia feels it needs to defend the sovereignty, territorial and integrity of Russia and its allies, not only military forces will be used, but Nuclear Weapons will be preventively used, meaning preemptive nuclear weapons strikes. I think this may be more slanted toward Israel over Iran, once the honeymoon starts with Iran and Russia.
Again I must say, Russia does not like NATO encircling her, it is to her an aggressive move. And now we want to put missiles in Poland, that is a defense system, which America says is because of Iran. The problem is more I think based on the fact Russia has a land and sea-launching sophisticated system in place where it can fire missiles from either point, onto Eastern Europe; thus, this would endanger its capability destruction. Whatever it is, it is too close for comfort for the Russians. That maybe crossing a red line, I don’t know.
Russia is at present delivering nuclear fuel to Iran, Israel sees this as a deadline to hit Iran before it does what it says it will do, hit Israel. So we see a lot of roads leading to Armageddon.
In the past, the United States and Russia have been pretty much level headed in their war games, and many a country has tried to provoke Russia to fight America, and the other way around. And as we all see, Russia played chess with Georgia, and won. And so far Russia and America are still playing. America had Russia in Check, and now she is out, and the game continues, until check-mate.


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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Russia, Mimicking America

The Game is called, “King of the Hill,” as a kid I used to play it, whoever was the toughest got to stand on top of the hill. The funny part is you ended up standing alone while everyone else was looking up at you wanting to take it from you.
Russia is really doing nothing the US has not done, or at present is doing. Actually, Russia mimics the US quite a lot, and is doing so now. The problem is, America can’t deal with two of the same kind, and they got to be, as the world knows, King of the Hill. Had Cuba taken back their property we now use as a prison in a corner of Cuba, we would have done the same except Castro is not that dumb as was the President of Georgia to provoke a superpower.
And to give a time table to move one’s troops out is kind of a double standard, but the King of the Hill, can often times get away with it, and America is trying just that, to say one thing, and do another.
And talk about Cold war tactics, the US is using such words as “Punishment,” you say that when you want to slap your kids behind for not obeying. We are dealing with a superpower, not some third world nobody. And now the US wants to reevaluate its relationship with Russia. They’ve been doing that for 50-years. Maybe we need to replace an arrogant president in Georgia, and hope we do not get a duplicated president like Bush back in the office. Leave the Europeans deal with Georgia, they offer nothing but trouble. This is not where the trouble will stop, it is where it will start, and ripple over into every other phase of life we know of. The marriage between America and Russia is almost over, because of two arrogant men, how unfortunate, and one woman, Rice. Actually, I was hoping Rice might run for president, now I am really happy she is not, and it is time for me to reevaluate a few things concerning this election coming up.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Wounded Dog has Risen (America vs. Russia)

The Wounded Dog has Risen
(America vs. Russia)

I don’t know if the US is going off on the deep end or has become insane, but it is not acting with thinking; first of all the US should not be trying to do what Georgia did or Russia did by bullying anyone or everyone, like telling Russia to get out of Georgia, when we are still in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus that is the old style of the Cold War talk. Second, putting a missile system in Poland at this very time, doesn’t make sense, unless it is true what the Russians say, it is to hit them in their backyard someday down the road. It would be easier for the US to strike Iran, and eliminate the problem, and with Russia in Georgia, it is a good time to do it. Now Russia has a clear path if it wants to use it to put missiles in Cuba, or strike up a new relationship with them, and to sign a pack with Iran, which will start a world war, when (not if) Israel strikes Iran. What is wrong with President Bush, and Mrs. Rice, I really think they are not thinking things out. Iran and North Korea are the problems, Georgia is a situation, no more, we are thinking we have four aces, when we only have three, and we have just used up two, it will be easy for China and Russia soon to dominate the whole Pacific, in particular the east and North and south sides of the ocean, and then what. We do not have the recourses to fight, control, monitor and dominate all at the same time, everything on earth, and this will be America’s down fall, especially when you have no friends by your side, and Europe is note really a friend, we seen that in Georgia, they were a friend thinking they could use us as their buffer or their ace, and they used it up and found they could not, it they get out of this alive, they better think twice about playing cowboys with the Indians when they have no bullets, in trying to take back what Russia has taken, which originally belonged to them anyway before the West stepped in when Russia was a wounded dog.

Evidently Bush thinks everyone in the world is dumb, who invaded who, and why are we not talking about the damage, the killings, the president of Georgia had his army do? First! This again makes the US look bad, and as the third bully in the arena. If I was Russia, I’d not pay any attention to the US’s demand, and wait for Georgia to admit its wrong internationally or stay put. What Russia is doing is not good, but what Georgia did, was not good, and America’s demands are not good without an apology. Bush needs to learn, just because he is president, and he says America is for Georgia right or wrong, he is wrong by saying that America is no longer in the position to lead the blind, blindly, as it is trying to do with its propaganda machine; and Georgia needs to get rid of that president of theirs, before they lose the rope and the goat, everything; and finally we are getting rid of our president, in a few months, thank goodness.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Russia, the United States over Georgia (the Three bullies)

Russia, the United States
Over Georgia
(The three bullies)

I am not sure why President Bush has so eminently took Georgia’s side, right or wrong, but it doesn’t look too American to do that. We have taken 50-years to make friends with Russia, and now we throw it in the garbage can because of a president from Georgia who decided to use Muscle and bully its way into territories that were in question (dispute), with a Russian presence, and now this president expects America to come to its rescue, and get into World War Three over this little country, right or wrong.
We seem to have a double standard here. I voted for Bush twice, I regret the second time. The first time I agreed with every thing he did, the second time, I can’t find a thing I like about him.
Mikhail Gorbachev, whom is one of the most respected men in the world is not afraid to tell you how it is, he came to Minnesota, and I saw him, sad to say I did not get to greet him. And I agree, Georgia started it as he stated, and if you go to war, and I’ve been in war you don’t stop half way, you do your thing until you know the other side is crippled, like America did in Iraq and Afghanistan, America needs to stop huffing and puffing, and trying to flex its muscle, and Mrs. Rice needs to settle down also, she’s on some high horse trying to badmouth everybody but the instigator. Russia as well as America has their own designs on the world, but this should not be the issue, the real issue is, who invaded. Georgia may be a friend, but a dangerous one to have, like Cuba to Russia. Castro would have had Russia go to war over their country, just for hate, but Russia said, it wasn’t worth it; we need to say the same thing. When Gorbachev speaks people need to listen, he is telling you something very important, otherwise the Government of the Federation of Russia, would not have had him speak. To me, one bully (Georgia), met another bully Russia, on its way to slaughter those who could not fight back, and we don’t need to get the third bully involved, America.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Red Cross Foolishness

Red Cross Foolishness

First of all I was not going to write the article, but the Red Cross is kind of forcing it, and my wife is pushing me, Rosa. I mean, they got their say, now leave it alone, it is old business, and the Red Cross on the man’s sleeve may have saved the lives of fifteen people, in what is considered a war zone. You can’t get anything better than that.

The question comes up: Was the Red Cross emblem used with improper intent?
Perhaps it was, and I’m sure it is not the first time this has happened, but it looks like you got some professionals up there without much sympathy, in the high offices that can’t put it to rest. They say look at the future of the Red Cross! It damages the potentiality of helping others. The media and the Red Cross themselves are doing more damage than Colombia had ever intended to do, if indeed they had intent of using the emblem at all in the first place.
The President of Colombia, whose father was killed by these terrorists, and the man who wore the arm emblem by trying to make the point of their mission, an internationally mission and Red Cross supported, did what most folks would have done, had they been put into such a position. But now these so called good folks up in the high Red Cross offices, are calling it a war crime.
First of all I praise Colombia for such a daring feat, second, the terrorist got what they deserve, third, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe is my hero now; forth, is not the INRC, suppose to be helping the sick? These fifteen hostages they had were not the healthiest birds in Colombia, and these folks making the biggest noise, I bet ate a fat breakfast, and had their eight hours of glorious sleep, so they got to get off their high horses and look at what was achieved. Actually they need to look at it from a different perspective: had one of those hostages been their mother, father, child, husband, wife, would they be making such a big gripe over spilt milk? I don’t think so, and if they would, I’d not want them in my family circle.
From another vantage point, if that man who wore the emblem saved your son’s life, or family member’s life, or the mission’s life, what then? Is the Red Cross saying, he needed to take off that emblem, and say “Come and Kill us all now, because we are fooling you folks?”
I saw that happen, when the United Nations would not send in a helicopter to save their own team in Africa years ago, because it violated protocol, and I wonder now and then how their families think about it; when it would have been a simple task, because the helicopters were close by. They asked the US to do it, and the US said, if we did, you folks will insult us internationally, again for violating your standards, so the folks cried and screamed over the phone as they got slaughtered, cut to bits and pieces by the machetes of the black antagonists.
In conclusion, let me say this, right or wrong, every law has their exceptions to the policy, depending on the circumstances, we are not robots. If we limit ourselves to such standards, we become limited not only in war, but in saving lives. After the conflict, or after the war is won, no one asks, especially the losers, “Did you fight fare?” Winning means life or death, and remember we each only have one.

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