World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Rise of Suicide in our Military—Why?

Our military elite, and those civilian elite like our President who has never been in the military are wondering why there are so many suicides lately. They’re baffled. I mean they actually can’t figure it out. They must think killing is normal, that it comes along with military training. In training you learn how to kill, but you don’t kill. They think killing comes with no after affects: maybe they should go to war and see how it really works, do some hands on research, on the job training. Killing another human being—even if you make him subhuman at the time of killing him, will still bring on after effects; why? Because it is not a normal  thing to do and our mind whatever it captures, it keeps, in hidden vaults; this is unlearned by our president evidently, had he been in a war, he’d know this: had he read data he’d also know, only 3% of all human beings can kill without remorse; that is to say, can kill and go have a good night’s sleep thereafter. For the other 97% it’s not so easy. And like everything else, the more you kill, and the longer you kill, the better you get at it—but it opens certain doors, windows, figuratively speaking, because we are killing someone with the image of God on his/her face which is like dark energy which pulls our universe apart.
       The question comes to light: can a person love death more than life? Yes, when it becomes more painful, when death is less painful, ask any severe cancer patient.  There’s a point to be made here, the body crashes onto ice! There is a stream of water under the ice, there is nothing that holds us together, during this moment when the body crashes, so we are pulled apart, and the ice cracks under us as we crash, and we fall into this invisible dark matter, I call ice, but it really isn’t ice is it—?

       The military says: suicide proliferation is a phenomenon, as if it is some mysterious light— or light waves from some unknown God particle, yet to be found.
       Look through the looking glass; there are more fundamental reasons for this. In the deep tunnels of the mind, there is something far bigger than us. Which we don’t often recognize, or shake hands with: a shared embrace with humanity, and God. We have passed the primal stage.

       Now for my harsh remarks: stop the wars, bring home our boys from the battlefields, from the dirt piles over in the Middle East—now, not tomorrow, or in 2014, or in some off the imagined date, now. Then you’ll see overnight, a decline, perhaps bigger than you can imagine. On the other hand, don’t and you’ll see a historic account of suicides this year, next year and beyond. You don’t have to be a physicist to figure this out. And of course, the more suicides, means, more wives will be looking for new husbands.



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