Sean Penn ( Monkey Politics)
Perhaps one of the most un-loyal, unmoral, and un American, Anti Americans alive, living off the sweat, honey and fat of the land, is Sean Penn; why he hasn’t been critical of Obama yet, is beyond me. I mean here is a man, Obama that has done nothing for America, leaving 50,000-troops in Iraq, and calling it, victory. He should have gotten our troops out long ago, actually, Bush is the one who got the troops out, he set the date and the pace, not Obama, and all Obama is doing is rerouting them to Afghanistan. Where is the big mouth, Penn? (Perhaps He and Obama are like to like) I mean he was full of starch when it came to Bush, now he’s hiding over in Haiti someplace; and Obama has turned out to be the biggest failure sitting in the highest seat in America in the last 100-years; we couldn’t have done worse by picking out Ahmadinejad.
Matter of fact, Penn’s friends seems to be all the enemies of America, Iran, and Mr. Chavez of Venezuela, and at one time Saddam’s. Too bad they didn’t take his Passport away. A man who never spent a day in the Army, taking out an add in a national newspaper, paying $56,000 for it, and telling America to impeach their president, the Commander and Chief, when he hasn’t shed a once of blood, or given an once of sweat for this country, telling us Veterans what to do. Actors should do just what they’re trained to do; they make fools of themselves with all that money they don’t know what to do with so they throw it into politics because they’re bored to death of make believe.
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