World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Friday, November 09, 2012

Obama: The Most Rampant Beast in the Valley

Obama is not as he was during his first presidential campaign. Now a candidate for president once again, he appears to smile at the world, a man who has come out of darkness into the strong sunlight.
       He is less confident, now, no longer with the messiah complex, even less smug, he has the same groomed look though. He has been living well, high off the hog—as they say. His face is fuller, also older, and much older, I’m sixty-five and he looks as old as me, his profile an old slouch.
       Everyone wants to see him, but once they see him, have no desire to see him again—becoming, or has become, absolutely without magnetism, looking as small and uninteresting as a man can look—a presidential candidate can look.  Yesterday he won the election for a second term. God help us all. The main problem being, we really didn’t have much a selection in the first place: how do you select between Cancer and Aids, you try your best I guess, Samuel Beckett, would say, “Greeting Sadness.” America starts up its new agenda, with the bloodiest beast in the Valley; the head of hope defeated.
       I think the solution is Obama has a good and funny face for the movies, he’s got the movie stars singing his tunes, and America likes Movies stars and entertainment more than quality politicians; when it is all said and done, it will be, that is we will be, pushed over the edge of the cliff, we’ll have nothing to cry about, we ask for it. And all these folks sending messages saying “God Bless you”. God is not going to bless America or the works of Obama, why would he; unless we are talking about a non-Christian god.
       Anyhow, He looks stern in pictures, in reality, as for a commanding force, he is the biggest bluff in America.   I congratulate him once again, like Hitler once said: it is easier to fool the masses than the sole individual, how right he was.

By Dennis L. Siluk, Dr. h.c.
#880/3-24-2012 (updated, 11-7-2012) originally named “Obama, the Biggest Bluff in America”

Obama’s Massacre

I want to talk a little bit about what recently took place, I call it Obama’s Massacre, perhaps that is a little strong, but all fingers point in that direction, let’s call it a theory, or a Pelican Brief. Let me explain, the massacre I am talking about is being called “The 9/11 Benghazi Massacre” It has been shortened to a riot, due to Muslim anger over the movie: “Innocence of Muslims?” It was really a terrorist act, raid, action, and the Obama Administration is directly involved—better words: caught up in, and should be put on trial for it, I do believe. One question comes to mind, “Why did the Administration start calling it a riot,” per near on the spot, when it was taking place? Actually evidence has come to light, the Administration knew about the so called attack/raid, two hours in advance. It would be pretty hard not to know. After the attack, for two weeks they called it a riot still, continue to: a spontaneous riot. You don’t get spontaneous riots that climb embassy fences, you get planned attacks. What would be the motive?  Kidnapping the Ambassador to swap for Blind Sheikh, who is now in a U.S. Prison? The death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens should have been stopped, most likely could have been prevented. During these last trying hours the Ambassador was busy shredding material for the White House, so the public would not know we were funding Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi, with U. S. weapons, which have now shown up in  terrorist hands in the: Sinai, Mali and Syria. Yes, we were supplying Al-Qaeda indirectly, but knowingly.

The other question that arises is: where were the Americans? You know those to come to Steven’s rescue, because they were within miles from the Embassy. The SEALS were told to stand down. And yes, the Administration denied pleas from the Americans to help. It is publicly known that the security in Libya was inadequate also. I am sure the White House knew the best and worst case at hand, and that they needed help, but got none. Matter of fact, President Obama went to bed right after making his decision not to help; I don’t know how he could sleep but evidently he has no trouble with dead Americans. Thus, by doing nothing, he did something, he allowed Americans to perish without lifting a finger to help. If you are saying: maybe the president didn’t know, that just couldn’t be, simple and ordinary protocols and procedures would ensure that he did know, way ahead of time. You may find this hard to believe, but I don’t. Barack Obama is the biggest Bluff in America, plus, he is the only one that could initiate such action. I would include, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and CIA David Petraeus, all in on this scheme.

#973 (11-8-2012)

Hell’s Hill

Down a hill, that leads to hell,
Strode a merry clan,
bin Laden, Saddam, Gaddafi,
Obama, with his bloody hands

Then Satan clinched in roaring pride
“Who comes in such a chattering way?”
“We are the wicked souls of earth,
“Who would not bend or pray, nor do
“We care to wait, for Judgment Day!”

Thus, the gates of Hades ajar,
Satan opened wide and far—
And right about the gates it read:
“Who enters here, abandon hope!”
And hence, they entered laughing,
To their doom!

#3459 (11-8-2012)