World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Waiting for the Antichrist!

—Global volcanism & WWIII (Watch the Antichrist on TV)

Everyday we seem to be on the edge of World War Three, from the war that just about took place in South America between three countries, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador; China wanting to slowly weed out the blood of Tibet subjecting them to live in a rats nest, and telling the world to stand back and watch. Russia trying to tell the world Kosovo has a right to be under slavery and the hate of Belgrade; North Korea telling the South, they will burn them to ashes if they do not bow and talk nice to them, and Iran, Syria trying to eradicate Israel, and slowly bombarding Iraq to submission.
Where will the spark be? It perhaps will not be the first spark that ignites WWIII, but the second (in essence we are in the first stages of WWIII now, it is just the spark we are waiting for).
Those who promise to use the big bomb and have it, most likely will. I don’t blame Japan or South Korea for its concerns over those who have the ability, to harm them, because it is always hanging over their heads, and can and will the USA get its self involved with a nuclear country over a non nuclear country’s first strike, or take over because of a potential first strike, perhaps they would have in the last century, but I doubt this new century they will, plus, we are not as strong as we were eight years ago, and everybody knows it—and we are stretched to our limits worldwide, and do not have the capability of fighting a third war while the other two are going on (Iraq and Afghanistan).
So the first spark will come from a third world country I think, trying to prove they are a big world player, with a country with conventional capabilities, is my guess; it is like the robber, they seek out the weaker ones to rob—like Iraq who warred with Kuwait. Like Cuba wanted Russia to teach America a lesson, so many years ago, at Russia’s expense—by using it nuclear capabilities.
And so we live by hanging onto a thread, and putting out little fires before the big one comes, actually, simply avoiding the unavoidable for another day.
The United States will get hit most likely before this decade is out (biochemical or something worse, let’s hope something less), and all the officials know it, that is why they have second homes in the Caribbean, Europe, Central and South America. That is why they got their money in banks that are out of reach of the IRS, and out of the country. America is the safest and strongest, and best country in the world, but the world is not as it used to be, it envies too much, before it was everyone’s dream to get there, now it is everyone’s dream to be like them, while living in their own countries, and if need be, hurt the country you so envy.
Israel is right, they know other countries will used people as bombs, those who have deadly diseases, or wishful thinking of being a hero and going to heaven with a dozen woman, and wine once you give up your life for their cause. That is why Israel is still standing tall. America needs to incorporate some of Israel’s decisiveness.
When America sinks, the world will feel the ripple effect, and be subjugated into a world power, so confining they will think China and Tibet are blossom buddies, which we know they are far from it.

—So who are we looking for? The dictator of course, and who is he? A TV personality—most likely; he will be able to master mind the media, and capable of drawing loyalty to him from all walks of life. His every move will be monitored, and he will know all there is to know abut military weaponry, and he will know economics, have a great political mind, and spiritual sense, for the world will be ready for him in all areas, low in economics, high in worry about war. He will step into power for these purposes, to stabilize everything (he will be the Antichrist, satanic influenced).
During this time, he will kill, or starve to death his victims, persecution will be rampant. We will all see him on satellite television. We can even see in the Bible, in prophecy where TV will be used: Revelation Chapter 11: the Antichrist will be seen at once by the whole world, this was written 2000-years ago. This is only one indication the Antichrist is on his way. Plus, this was not possible fifty-years ago. And so we see the Biblical timetable at its end-time events (Revelation 6). War, famine, pestilence will all occur before the actual Great Tribulation. It will seem like the end of everything, but it will not be.
—Global volcanism, the inner parts of the earth will fill the atmosphere, sunlight disappear, or reduced to such a low it will be very cold, no crops (several volcanoes will erupt). Food stores in the USA have only about five days supply of food, should this happen tomorrow. This means population relocation on an international scale, and mass starvation. If nuclear warfare has not started with the spark, it will now start with a chain reaction.
—We do not need psychics and prophets to tell us what will take place, it will be obvious, there will be changes in the geography of our planet, within this cataclysmic time, a pole shift perhaps. I really think we are overdue, living on borrowed time. My projection is 2016-19, and a projection is just that, not a prediction. When everything is in alignment

Note: The author has studied eschatology, at Liberty University during the early 1980s, working on his Masters Degree, and finds doing an article now and then in this area rewarding.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Two Foolish Presidents of the Americas (Bush & Garcia)

How will Bush Be Remembered?

How will President George W. Bush, go down in history, be remembered? Perhaps as a hero for the two wars he fought, and actually won, if you consider war and winning the battles, and putting the country under his fingertips the goal: which he did in his first five years in office. But since then, he has been nothing but a nuisance, and brought the country, the USA to near broke, brought our armed forces to a decaying military power in the world. He used all the power and money the last three presidents provided for him, and whoever gets the presidency now will get a country hanging on strings, and for that he has played the fool, and gets a badge of folly for that. It is a shame, but pride comes before destruction and most Americans, if not the world in general can’t wait for him to get out of office, for surely his pride has gotten the better of him these past three years, and the only folks that have gained are the banks, the republican banks, and war contractors, which is a good reason I suppose to keep a silly war going.
President Garcia of Peru who has produced nil for his country or people, but runs around like a peacock, neck stretched to the clouds and tells his people the great job he is doing, and he has done nothing, it was the previous two presidents that secured the economy and gotten rid of the terrorist, he is lucky, and should thank President Bush for being such a worthless president these past three years—it makes Garcia look good, and the dollar go down, and the value of the soles up, if there was a competent President in the USA now, Garcia would be out of sorts, and Peru in a dry river; Garcia is not all that different than Hugo Chavez, who controls by manipulation at the expense of his countrymen (except Peru still has an ounce of Democracy, and the highest rate in all the Americas for thievery.
Bush has drained the tax paying people of America, and given them nothing in return but two victories in countries that were no stronger than taking candy from a baby. Hannibal knew he could not control Rome if he took it, and he could have taken it: so why use up all your resources at once, he destroyed their will, we should have left it at that.
During this next election, I hope the voters have a good memory when they start picking out the new congress, get rid of the old one, they are too much Bush folks, and have no honor, or respect for the people that have put them in office. We deserve better.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kangaroo Soup

Kangaroo Soup

If this doesn’t beat all, one week they, the Australian Government is telling Japan not to kill whales, and now they go and kill 400-kangaroos, don’t they feel a little two-faced about this? If they were to kill them for soup or something, for the Aborigines, perhaps they could justify it, but because they want to keep insects alive and lizards you got to be on some Kangaroo high.
One week folks are killing whales, in the Anarchic, for whale steak, another week they are elephants for their tusks in the name of squeezing too many in to, too little a space, and the third week too many dogs in India, giving too many folks rabies, and they want to kill dogs, and now this, kangaroo via insects and lizards, what next? The animal human rights group must be putting on some miles these past two months.
But back to the premise, is not the Australian Government feeling a bit strange on this matter? Four-hundred kangaroos can make a lot of soup. They are kind though, they will not be shot to death, but a silent injection in the right place will put them to sleep so they never wake up. I would say they are a little kinder than the Japanese Whalers, although it is the same excuse, for the safety or betterment of mankind. We need to stop the pretense, and just be upfront, we like whale steaks, Elephant ivory, and hate nasty dogs, and kangaroos that make a nuisance of themselves.

I put this article under humor because it beats all, it is funny, but only in a logical way, that being, we tell others what to do with killing this and that, and then go home and kill whatever we want in the animal kingdom. It is like complaining about having a fly in your soup, and you get mad at the waitress for it, and go home and eat a dirty camel.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sen. Barrack Hussein Obama: Muslim or not?

Sen. Barrack Hussein Obama:
Muslim or not?

Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, a major presidential contender (for 2008), does it matter if he is a Muslim or not? Should it matter? Plus he is Black, should that matter? If you are saying it shouldn’t, why is he hiding or eliminating his middle name (is he not proud of his father’s given name?), and of course, he cannot hide the second one. But is he a Muslim. We all know who the other contenders religion preferences are; but we remain in a mysterious bubble over Mr. Hussein Obama. I know the Islamic world is holding their breath so he is elected, I wonder why? I could not say if Obama was a Muslim some folks say yes, others say no, not sure of anything and that is the problem (and to my understanding, once a Muslim, always a Muslim): should we be worried about this? I’m a Christian, and if I was to be president of Iran, should they worry about me? (Yes!!) That might be on the other side of the coin. Mrs. Ferraro, evidently spoke the unforgivable word, Muslim. Not sure what the hype is, do we learn this secret after he is president, then it is ok to say “I am what I am?” This is far from a race issue; it is a comment, and true one. The American people want to see whom they are voting for; this is not Peru, Russia or China, Iran, whom you find out after the fact. We react to whom we are and our beliefs. We can say all we want about separation of state and religion, but it remains a fabric in our fiber. Obama says he is a Christian, and perhaps we should leave it at that, but if your father was a Muslim, then according to Islamic law, so are you, and to go against that is apostate: so American’s need a clear cut statement, no surprises. So it is an issue that needs to be put to the burner, and put to rest, because Muslims do not think the same way Christians do, especially in decision making, and we are influenced by who we are, and who our parents are.
Not to get off the subject of Osama’s roots, but I doubt either Clinton or Obama will be elected as president, the best choice was for them to run together I think; not that I like the republican side more, but you got to pick someone, the best of the worse, or if it was an illness, cancer or aids, that is what we are coming down to in this presidential election. He has informed the Muslims he will stop the war in Iraq, within 60-days of his elected presidency. Not sure if that is good or bad either, it might help the dollar, and it might kill a lot of Iraqi’s and it might leave a hole for Iran to crawl through to Iraq, and play god.
Perhaps Obama, can denounce Islam like the Pope did; or denounce Islamic law on apostasy as barbaric and anti-American, which is more than truthful, and then I’d feel safer in adding him in to my not so good selection for President of the United States. I wish Rice was running, put this all to rest.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Will, or Can Israel and Palestine succeed in Peace?

Israel and Hamas - the Islamist group that presently reins over Gaza - seem to be going along with an unspoken agreement to hold fire in and around the Gaza Strip, but will this end? The Lull is a deception, a period in which they can gather more weapons, regroup, and be ready to kill more Jews. I realize Palestinians are dying, but this is a cause, self sacrifice, they already know this; just as they know they can have peace at anytime, but this war, ongoing war is not about peace, it is about eradication, pushing all the Jews out of Israel (taking over Jerusalem) , and/or the Middle East. It is about living up to their doctrine, dogma—not to bend, not to give in, not to ever stop until either they are all dead, or the Jew is. Why does the United Nations, and the United States, and the EU, have a hard time understanding this. Peace is what everyone else wants, so of course, Hamas and the world of the Palestine go along with it, keep their mind on peace while we work our canon. Perhaps it is a conspiracy, but I hate that word, I’d like to think of it as all the common folk in the world is being fooled by the few. It is easier to fool the masses, then a few folks.

The only Solution: It was well put a number of years ago by one of the PLO leaders, and after he made his comments was killed, he said or implied: "The only way this war will be won is if we eradicate the Jews, or they us." And I believe he was the only honest PLO member of the group. Hamas is simply a new name for the old creed "Not to ever give in, and to kill all the Jews." Thus, push them into the Red Sea, or fight until the last standing man.

Life in an Oyster (-a poem for March, 2008)

Nicaragua—squeezed in somehow, between the wings of
Equator and Venezuela, to bombard Colombia, who killed
The kingpin, terrorist, perhaps number two or three in
The world today, killed him and his entourage (made the
President of America happy) —but the so called friends—
Friends to the terrorist, enemy to America, Peru and Colombia:
Equator and Venezuela: Hugo Chavez creates the problem,
Then solves it, and looks like the hero (of South America).
Terrorism: seeps out of Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Afghanistan
Friends to no man, enemy to all whom will now bow to Islam,
And walk the straight and crooked line of Mohammad.
Mexico hordes the rim of the American boarder, marches down
The streets in America in order, with the Mexican flags, crying rights
Can’t kill a million dogs today in India, human rights say ‘no’
But it’s ok for the dogs to kill 20,000-more citizens in the year of 2008…
by rabies (young children, women and the old), they say
Sterilize them, let them live, and bite until they lose their sight);
How cruel can they be? Human rights or might?
Packs of dogs what next from these busybodies, is whose guess!
They are fighting for the elephants and whales, also, even the
Men in prison, but not the tax paying people of the world.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan, will cost a trillion dollars soon,
And before it is over, four more, perhaps they’ll shred the dollar
For the Yen, Euro, or Pound, or the Mexican Old Crown.
All is upside Down. The Federal Reserve is printing money
Faster than a mixer for coffee and for what, to devalue the dollar more?
Worthless paper but it buys the groceries at the store. Wars going on
in Africa; Zimbabwe is worse than the dollar, inflation at 24,000-percent,
and 80% of the work forces are out of jobs. The rivers and lakes of the world
are drying up, as the glaciers are receding, and the oceans are roaring,
and in the cafes and restaurants’ in Lima, Peru, everyone is worried about
what next they can steal, as President Garcia eats until he’s so fat,
he can’t bend over to pick up his hat. My world is an oyster, closing up.
Russia is using its oil revenue, to get concessions; worldwide.
And China, has the summer Olympics nearby, as Tibet is screaming
low and high, that Beijing, has shed too much blood in the past fifty-years
or so. President Bush says America is not in a recession,
yet there is not much growth in America’s withholdings;
the house market fell to the dumps, now everyone is running
for unemployment checks. It is time to jump over the humps;
we have already jumped through the hoops. Europe is skittish on
it new part in world affairs, the Euro is worthless, yet the people buy it,
perhaps we area all dumber than we give ourselves credit for.
Hilary Clinton, running for president, and all those others,
what a worthless group to pick from, cannot America find better?
It is only wise to pick the best of the crop, anything
Less, will sicken the stomach, sooner or later.

3-8-2008 #2312

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Another Polluted Human Rights Group (Dogs)

It never fails, these human rights groups run around the world trying to stick their nose into this and that, and know nothing about the problem or the solution, only about, what they feel is ethically correct, no matter who gets hurt. I am talking about the millions of dogs in India. I was in India for a while in 1997, and I walked outside of the hotel, down the black at night to get some fresh air, and within a matter of minutes, no farther then a half block from the hotel, I got cornered by a half dozen hungry big eyed dogs ready to eat me alive, and I picked up some stones, and a Hindu guard from the hotel heard the dogs growling, and came running, and he also picked up some stones, and us two threw them at the ready to charge dogs, and they ran off. Had the man not been there, or asleep, I’d not be here today to write these shallow inept, people who march around he world as if they got a halo over their heads in the name of human rights, to do humankind a service, in most cases they become part of the problem not the solution. I hope India throws these careless, simple minded, unseasoned people out of their country, and instead of killing 100,000-dogs, go for a million, that will so some good, especially with the rabies epidemic there, 100,000-will only put a dent in the problem. I am not heartless; doges can be used for food or fertilizer for the farmer, for a country where people are eating garbage out of the hotels dumpster, or that which is laying on the sidewalks across the streets from many hotels, which I say on a daily bases. In Vietnam, I ate dog stew; it tastes like port, not bad when you are hungry. Perhaps I can come up with a better solution, let the Human Rights folks, feed those 100,000-dogs, with money out of their pockets, problem solved, and the dogs are saved. But they only give lip service to the problem, it is like the Good Samaritan, who walks by the dying man and say: why don’t someone do something about this poor soul, and keeps on walking to his house, and eats a whole chicken.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Victory for Colombia, and praise for its President (Part III)

Victory for Colombia, and praise for its President

As always, South America looks at the situation, not the problem. And President Garcia of Peru is as always so far behind the scene, he doesn’t know what is on the table. Everyone is looking at South America at what Colombia did, not why. The problem is terrorism, the issues, Equator is allowing them to roost a mile from the Colombia boarder, so they can kill at will, or capture, citizens of the world, and have a home base to run to, a safe haven. On the other hand, Venezuela, and its president has armed the so called enemy FARC. Columba is the hero, but South America like they’ve always been, slaps the hands that fight for freedom, and when it is taken away, they say “What happened,” gullible as they can be, and normally are. Allen Garcia is trembling like a child with measles, that a ripple my fall over his country, when in essence he should be building his armed forces up, the boy scouts of America could win a war with Peru. This is a call to arms, if anything for Garcia, spends a dime and builds the Army, and stops all those parades you have. Everyone around South America is afraid of the terrorist, because of such folks like Hugo Chavez who pray on it, feed it until it becomes a monster, and then calls his friends in the terrorist group up, to let a kidnapped victim go, and is shown as a hero, throughout South America. How foolish can these South American countries be? I’m sure Hugo would like the world to remain focused on Colombia, but Colombia is smart, perhaps the smartest in South America, it is shifting the focus onto the culprit. And as far as war goes, Colombia is in a war with three armies, money from Venezuela, a save haven from Ecuador, and the killing spree from the FARC, now this is the facts, not the bull. Venezuela and Equator should be ashamed of their selves to allow this terrorist group roost on their grounds, and to have presidents support such groups; to me, like Turkey, and Israel have to do to protect their citizens, whom are doing the same thing Colombia has to do, no choice but to go into Equator, if Equator is not going to do a thing about stopping the killers. I have always had a high respect for the people of Venezuela, they treated me with high respect when I was in their country, in 2000, and sorry to have to downgrade it now, but the truth is the truth. The president of Colombia has nothing but praise from me, and I hope he goes in again, and this time destroys all those—friends of Chavez.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Kofi Annan: Man of the Hour (3/2008)

I really hate to write this article, first of all, I’ve written a hundred articles on this guy in the past several years, and all negative, in the sense I could never find anything good to say about him, because he had done nothing worth saying that was good, a world leader that God only knows how he got to the top of the ladder in the UN.. He lived in my home state for a while and went to one of our local colleges, and then onto the United Nations to make his fame and millions at the expense of others. Well, he has done one good thing in his life, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, he went to Kenya to put together a peace between the warring sides, humbled himself for once in his life, did not get arrogant for once in his life, and when he saw they did not want peace he said exactly what I would have: if you do not want to work on it, there is nothing I can do for you. And now they have decided to try and put a peace solution together. Perhaps this will atone for all his prior sins, which are countless I would say, but God is a forgiving God, thank god. So I bow to your endeavors Mr. Annan, and am happy you may have done humanity one once of good, after so much garbage you threw our way.

On the same line of thinking, it always makes me think, why people get into positions where they can help people, with the power given them, and they do just the opposite, as if God cannot see their dirty deeds. Is it not enough to make people happy, and get paid for it nowadays, they want them to bow and beg? We live in a world that people are begging to do mankind a service, and once elected become, or try to become little Gods. Annan tried this, as we see in South America many of the presidents of those countries do the same. Happiness is always collective, cooperative, because it is a byproduct, you do something for someone, and you get the happiness. Evidently, this is no longer good enough.

Venezuela & Equador: New Terrorist Countries

Unbelievable, here is a country, Colombia trying to fight terrorism and killing one of the top dogs in terrorism, and finding the terrorist have a camp one mile from the Colombia boarder in Equator, and instead of helping Colombia fight them, Ecuador and Venezuela want go to war over it, to save the terrorist. And here the rest of the world, or at least North America and Europe are trying to fight terrorism. I ask myself, over what? Over the killing of the terrorist; in the recent unfolding of events, I understand a little more, Ecuador and Venezuela are terrorist countries, now it makes sense why they want to protect them, Venezuela has supported them ($300-million dollars), not sure how long but recently with a few massive gifts of money, and Equator with giving them a safe haven (and perhaps a handout from Venezuela). This issue of supporting terrorist, the two countries are trying to hide, by saying they are not terrorist countries, yet the world in general agrees that they are; and the fact is, Venezuela and Equator do not need to go to war with them, they are already at war with them by giving them their support; similar to Iran with Iraq, or Syria and Palestine, over Israel (the name of the game is gang up on them); Venezuela wants Peru likewise, but is willing to wait for the next elections I do believe. Let’s hope America gets done to business in South America before it belongs to Iran and Syria, and Venezuela, and we don’t have to have WWIII start there.
I wrote an article a few years ago, saying the Islamic quest, via terrorism, is seeping throughout the rim, or the boarders of South America, working there way to Mexico and North America. And what has America done? Not a thing. Here is a continent wide open for the taking, and the Islamic terrorist are taking it, step by step, they have more mosques in South America, and world wide now, than one can count and all established in the last 25-years, a way to establish a home base. The point here is, once America had South America as kind of a protected continent, under their wing, and for some odd reason President Bush, along with the last three presidents has left this area completely void, alone, and to reestablish a itself here will take a lot of beans.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Who Creates the Wars? (Banking)

Wars vs. Central Banking (part two)

(Second article on the FRS, by a Poet)

Create a debt, by the Central Bank (Federal Reserve), or have the banks, through the Central Bank (FR), create a debt. Why? It only stands to reason, profit. And how do you do this? Simple, if you create the flow of money, and have the influence, and the Government counts on you (which the government should create its own currency), then you can do as you wish. Matter of fact, you can buy half America and Europe up with it, and it has. But we have yet to get the head of the beast.
Let’s look at this closer. Wars create debt, and there normally is one forth of the world at war at any given time. So the banks create wars (the US now is involved with two such wars), have the wars create a debt for the US? Yes, way past the limits of the government, an immense debt, this means immense profits, hide behind the Central Bank, this is where the money is going. We all think it is oil pushing the wars, look at the banking system.
The cost of war time debts should not cost the government interest, but it does.
So as most wars have proven, so has our new wars of today proven, in Afghanistan, and Iraq, it is mostly based on economics, which is the head of the beast, democracy is the body, the banks control public opinion, so who has the control? The person holding the control holds the power of war or no war. So the Central Bank, makes the smaller banks pay interest also, and who owns the Central Banks, the bank you cannot by stock or interest in (five other banks, private, since 1914). Now we got a monopoly, with the bank printing money out of thin air, as the old saying goes, it is so true.
So we are now in the international arena, this banking system owns much of the media, so it can sway public opinion as they wish. The monster gets bigger and bigger; that’s it.

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