World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, March 10, 2008

Will, or Can Israel and Palestine succeed in Peace?

Israel and Hamas - the Islamist group that presently reins over Gaza - seem to be going along with an unspoken agreement to hold fire in and around the Gaza Strip, but will this end? The Lull is a deception, a period in which they can gather more weapons, regroup, and be ready to kill more Jews. I realize Palestinians are dying, but this is a cause, self sacrifice, they already know this; just as they know they can have peace at anytime, but this war, ongoing war is not about peace, it is about eradication, pushing all the Jews out of Israel (taking over Jerusalem) , and/or the Middle East. It is about living up to their doctrine, dogma—not to bend, not to give in, not to ever stop until either they are all dead, or the Jew is. Why does the United Nations, and the United States, and the EU, have a hard time understanding this. Peace is what everyone else wants, so of course, Hamas and the world of the Palestine go along with it, keep their mind on peace while we work our canon. Perhaps it is a conspiracy, but I hate that word, I’d like to think of it as all the common folk in the world is being fooled by the few. It is easier to fool the masses, then a few folks.

The only Solution: It was well put a number of years ago by one of the PLO leaders, and after he made his comments was killed, he said or implied: "The only way this war will be won is if we eradicate the Jews, or they us." And I believe he was the only honest PLO member of the group. Hamas is simply a new name for the old creed "Not to ever give in, and to kill all the Jews." Thus, push them into the Red Sea, or fight until the last standing man.


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