World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, March 10, 2008

Life in an Oyster (-a poem for March, 2008)

Nicaragua—squeezed in somehow, between the wings of
Equator and Venezuela, to bombard Colombia, who killed
The kingpin, terrorist, perhaps number two or three in
The world today, killed him and his entourage (made the
President of America happy) —but the so called friends—
Friends to the terrorist, enemy to America, Peru and Colombia:
Equator and Venezuela: Hugo Chavez creates the problem,
Then solves it, and looks like the hero (of South America).
Terrorism: seeps out of Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Afghanistan
Friends to no man, enemy to all whom will now bow to Islam,
And walk the straight and crooked line of Mohammad.
Mexico hordes the rim of the American boarder, marches down
The streets in America in order, with the Mexican flags, crying rights
Can’t kill a million dogs today in India, human rights say ‘no’
But it’s ok for the dogs to kill 20,000-more citizens in the year of 2008…
by rabies (young children, women and the old), they say
Sterilize them, let them live, and bite until they lose their sight);
How cruel can they be? Human rights or might?
Packs of dogs what next from these busybodies, is whose guess!
They are fighting for the elephants and whales, also, even the
Men in prison, but not the tax paying people of the world.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan, will cost a trillion dollars soon,
And before it is over, four more, perhaps they’ll shred the dollar
For the Yen, Euro, or Pound, or the Mexican Old Crown.
All is upside Down. The Federal Reserve is printing money
Faster than a mixer for coffee and for what, to devalue the dollar more?
Worthless paper but it buys the groceries at the store. Wars going on
in Africa; Zimbabwe is worse than the dollar, inflation at 24,000-percent,
and 80% of the work forces are out of jobs. The rivers and lakes of the world
are drying up, as the glaciers are receding, and the oceans are roaring,
and in the cafes and restaurants’ in Lima, Peru, everyone is worried about
what next they can steal, as President Garcia eats until he’s so fat,
he can’t bend over to pick up his hat. My world is an oyster, closing up.
Russia is using its oil revenue, to get concessions; worldwide.
And China, has the summer Olympics nearby, as Tibet is screaming
low and high, that Beijing, has shed too much blood in the past fifty-years
or so. President Bush says America is not in a recession,
yet there is not much growth in America’s withholdings;
the house market fell to the dumps, now everyone is running
for unemployment checks. It is time to jump over the humps;
we have already jumped through the hoops. Europe is skittish on
it new part in world affairs, the Euro is worthless, yet the people buy it,
perhaps we area all dumber than we give ourselves credit for.
Hilary Clinton, running for president, and all those others,
what a worthless group to pick from, cannot America find better?
It is only wise to pick the best of the crop, anything
Less, will sicken the stomach, sooner or later.

3-8-2008 #2312


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