World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Friday, April 11, 2008

Searching for Victory in Iraq

I read the other day, President Bush is the only one with a plan of escape from the Iraqi war, and it is an individual one—for him alone on January 20, 2009, when he leaves office. How can he have gotten all into another Vietnam, and he did. The sad thing is, as in Vietnam, we won the war, but lost the peace. Why? There is a reason; it is called rules of engagement. Wars only have rules for mighty, when they fight the less mighty. Rules are really silly; they get in the way of victory. Who ever says to the victory “You fought dirty,” after they lost the war? No one dares.
So now what could we do to win the peace for Iraq—this should be the question? The same thing we didn’t do in Vietnam, we are doing now, let me explain.
In Vietnam, we were afraid to blow Hanoi off the map, had we, we would have won the war and peace; Hanoi on the other hand, cried to the world, how unfair America was, then when we left, they jumped on the bandwagon, and screamed how they chased America away with their might; far from the truth, of course.
If we got rid of Iran (likened to Hanoi), 60% of our problem would be solved. Syria would hide its head like a stork, and we could get on our way with making peace, not sure why were we are still there anyhow, but if making peace is the thing, then this is surely part of the program that needs to be looked at—I say let them make their own peace. The only good thing that came out of this war was ridding the world of Saddam: other than that, we should not be there.
My suggestion is leave, we won the war, and it is not the duty of the victor to renovate their whole country. A friend of mine said to me the other day, in Lima Peru that Peru should go to war with America, because we’d then get a new facelift, free.
In any case, if we are not willing to invade Iran, and start up another war, to stop the war in Iraq, we are simply drying ourselves out, likened to prunes or weeds in a once beautiful garden. Get hold of Israel, and invade with them, I think they’d be more than happy to assist us, or do it alone, but do it and deal with public opinion later.
It is a shame what is happening in Iraq today. A whole nation living in a state of panic, families being destroyed, and for what, because of a president’s pride, or a nation’s lack of resolve to go to the full course, and finish the job.
Former President Carter wants to talk to Hamas, and Iran, let him do so, it can’t hurt, better policy than flexing muscles you don’t use anyhow.
We are going to end up with a sick generation because of toll this is having on our youth. Fighting a war is easy compared to trying to baby-sit a nation that wants only your pocket book, and willing to die youth.

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