World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Iraw, Death Row (4-2008)

Iraq, Death Row

Iraq has taken a superpower, with all its resources and drained it dry, likened to an empty soup bowl, and for what? We won a war, that should be good enough, but no one will win a peace over there. We are doing exactly what the enemy wants, draining, draining and draining, our nation’s assets, at a cost for a broken down, ungrateful waistband of a nation.
Most Americans do not know why we are over there, and neither do our leaders and I doubt the President has a good reason anymore himself. Unless he uses the old philosophy of fight there or in our country, which has long lost its getup and go; it no longer makes any sense.
America is in a recession, the dollar is next to worthless in the world around America, the will of the soldiers are nil, and numbing of many families, what on earth does the president expect the American people to do with such humdrum leadership.
Every week 40-soldiers die for a country that prays each night we leave theirs. We spend 3-billion dollars a day of our tax money, or perhaps we are just printing it up, like toilet paper, and no wonder no one wants the dollar any more—we could be using it for better reasons; I am lead to believe the president of the United States needs some kind of shock therapy to get him back to reality. I am an 11-year veteran, and Vietnam veteran, and this is a sorry case of misleadership; I have to believe the President is sane, and therefore it has to be for the rich to get richer with the contracts they are getting from the government, and the banking industry, which could careless if a soldier or two dies for their greater cause of power vs. control, except if it is there sons going to war.



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