World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mr. Wang’s Chinese Sunshine Policy

L. Ling-chi Wang, I read his article on CNN today, and how un- empathetic can a man be. He scolds the world for protesting against the Chinese for their aggressive ways with Tibet, and other countries, and points the finger at others countries that are hypocrites for the way they live—yes, he likes to point fingers, but does not want them pointed at China. What is really happening is that Mr. L. Ling-chi Wang, the world is seeing China for what it is, and China is embarrassed, shameful, and should be, as any country that hogties another people, puts them under their heal should be. He wants everyone to leave China alone, and let the Olympics go as planned; but this is perhaps the only opportunity Tibet will get for showing their case of persecution to the world, so how can he blame them. China uses every opportunity to lie to the world about this and that, it is Tibet’s turn. No one like’s equal aggressive play…they like to have the upper hand all the time, well not this time Wang. This is really a good chance for China to see how the world sees them (if the care they will take this to heart and clean up their act), not how they see the world, for China sees the world as an opportunity to build up an equal arsenal to threaten Taiwan and let the United States know they are equal in arms, so stand back; it is just a matter of time when the Chinese will come with the big bat and proclaim to Taiwan and the US, it is time to fight or back off. And I suppose he is secure in his home, and should he have to live under the heal of the Chinese like the Tibetans, he’d have a different story to tell, they all do. And yes we get a lot of trinkets from China, not sure why he puts that into his article, things we don’t really need that we can buy from another country, at any local dime-store. If anything, China should be grateful we are buying and employing their 1.3 billion people. Mr. Wang would have us all put tape over our months and pretend nothing is happening. If China goes into hibernation, as he indicates it might over this, well, so be it, and it is the price you have to pay when you open the doors to the world: everyone has paid that price, why is China different. You can’t have a picnic on dead bodies without some kind of disruption, unless you try like China did to hide the fact they are who they really are, aggressive and dominating to the Tibetans. He badmouths the United States over Iraq, and he and China have a right to do that, and I doubt the United States is going to hid its head in a hole over it, and let’s hope the war in Iraq stops by all the protests we are now having, and let’s hope, China stops playing the bully to Taiwan, and Tibet, and it if goes into a hole and hides its head, who cares anyhow, they will have to find another way how to steal American technology to build their war machine.

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