World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Thursday, April 17, 2008

China vs. Cafferty

Now the Chinese are mad because someone has spoken up about their government, trying to silence CNN’s commentator, Cafferty, the only one to call a spade a spade. Like the Muslims, who fear freedom of speech, and demand the world look at them through unrealistic plastic eyes, now China does the same. Pretty soon, America will have to shut up, and say nothing about anything. Cafferty said in essence, we buy all their junk (Chinese trinkets he means), and we do (as they hold billions of our dollars and buy arms for the World War Three), and he adds, they are really a bunch of gangsters running the Government, and it is pretty much towards the truth, the only difference is, they have become legitimate over the past fifty years, but that is what they were when they started out—much like Saddam in Iraq, and Castro in Cuba. Much like most of South America, and Central America, and Cambodia, and—well I could go on and on; China wants us to look the other way when it comes to Taiwan, and Tibet, as does Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, and Iran and Syria. Should we? It is really something we all talk about anyhow, we just do not have the means to get on TV and make it public. I go from store to store, in Lima, Peru, or in St. Paul, Minnesota, and what do I see, exactly what Cafferty says he sees, junk we call it, but again it is little trinkets, China has flooded the market with such items, like Japan did fiftey-years ago.
The movie that has recently been the talk of the decade, about Muslims, really only shows what they’ve done, why in heavens name is it so bad to watch; it was all shown on TV long ago, it simple is a wakeup call on what they did, and could do again, and are doing at this very moment—I have Muslim and Jewish friends, and Christian friends so what, and I have black friends, so what, and I have Chinese friends, so what. And all my friends talk about fixing America, not China, or the Middle East, or Israel; they talk about America—again so what.
My advice to China and the Muslim world, clean up you act up, if you want a clean bill of health. I never saw such silliness in my life, where a country cries over remarks that are almost right on the center. China and many of the Middle Eastern countries have their populations brainwashed—we all know this, this is no new revelation, they only tell what they want them to know, and when they find out the truth, which the nation is trying to hide, then the Governments get made at the Western media for exposing their devilish deeds: so must we hide our heads like in a hole like an ant eater to appease them? This is a new world order, and it will get harder and harder to hid such devilish acts unless you become a part of North Korea, where all you can do is look across the dividing line to the South and wish, and go back to your hidden society.
Incidentally, when I was in China, I bought the Chinese English paper, and they cut down America and its people scornfully—publicly. And I doubt they have stopped, so China clean your house out first, before you start pointing fingers.

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