Hillary Clinton: Iran Don't Dare! And Big win in Penn...
I really have not been too confused on whom to vote for; this is my third article on the subject. I like to own guns, and I was in the military for eight years, and three years in the reserves, making it eleven years. And I never have liked the selection we had for our next president, but Hillary did something today I was very proud of, something President Bush didn’t have the guts to do, or any other president that I can remember except Eisenhower, and that was to tell Iran: we can, and we will obliterate you, should you try to do so to Israel. Perhaps a lot of folks do not like that kind of talk, but I like a persons cards on the table. Let them know what you are up against. If I was Hillary I’d say the same thing to North Korea, let them know the deadly force behind the soft spoken American voices. They know we can if we want, but somehow they forget we will, if we have to. North Korea has threatened the South with obliteration, as Iran has with Israel. It is only fair to let them know: have you forgotten these are our allies? What has happened to our man-guts, say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Hillary has won the election in Pennsylvania, and perhaps well deserved, she has come a long way, and was not a quitters, as I saw a few other candidates were, whom I wanted to vote for, and they let me down and ran like chickens to wherever, I’m glad they did, they don’t deserve my vote. I kind of liked Obama, until he got a little arrogant, and cocky, and wants to take the guns away; I really do not think Hillary will win the whole show, but she could surprise me. My prediction would be, Obama, will not win either in the long run, he wants to take the guns away, and is ashamed of his middle name, and that arrogant side of him, I can’t stand; and the more he talks the more I turn away from him and say: he’s a mistake, never has a solid answer. On the other hand, Hillary might bring the boys home from Iraq, everyone promises this and that and when it comes time to do it, they don’t, but I do believe Hillary does not want to spend another 100-billion on the war, so she is the best chance for that, as far as cheap gas goes, she might bring it around, but we will not have it for long, we are running out of it. Plus she is tougher than I thought. Even McCain, didn’t have enough guts to back down Iran—or let them know what we can, and will do.
So congratulations Hillary on you win and perhaps your nomination as Democratic candidate—to be. I have voted Republican the last two times, or is it three, I forgot, I think it is time for a Democrat.
Labels: Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D. and Poet Laureate