World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

International Blackmailing

International Blackmailing

We kind of knew this from the 1970s through the 1980s, or at least we talked about it back then, that international blackmailing would become a reality, if we did not put it in check at that moment, and we did not put it in check, and still we have not. It now is a reality, like the EU is now a reality, in the 70s it was loose talk, the ten-nations now are something like 26, but my point is this. All the third world countries have to do is starve its people, and get a few nuclear devices, and blackmailing is next. Like North Korea does, and Iran does, and Pakistan did, kept their people dumb, keep them as followers, take over the country like Burma’s generals have, and Zimbabwe has, and all those other countries that get Care Packages, keep the money and buy nuclear capability, and tell the United Nations “Look at our poor people we can’t feed them,” and demand you get what you want, and usually you get it. If you don’t mention the big bomb, and you will surely get it, it’s just a matter of a process called international blackmailing. Now they can make a deal with the international community: pay us off, or else! So we send them free food, billions, and free oil, billions, and now the got the best of two worlds, and in essence didn’t lift a finger for a thing. They feed their armies now with this free deliver items, and send a few packages down the street to the poor: their priority is to build their arsenals, not feed peasants, like Palestine does, and the terrorists in the hills of Colombia, they could care less about feeding the hungry civilizing folk, so we send more and more food. It is all blackmail, and it works, so why change things. And this new century has all these human right groups, and the news media to start a fire if we don’t.
Point two, it all doesn’t stop there, we holler we do not want our tax money to go to these regimes in Africa that are using the money to feed their armies, and nuclear ambitions, as we have done in Asia, but the good guys from the United Nations, and the so called representatives of the world, the Human Rights groups, yell at America in particular, if not directly, through the UN, and say “How undesirable and wicked you are with those folks, they are dying by the hundreds, no thousands!” So how did this come about? That is a side they do not look at. It is simple; they are killing their own people with the food they do not have to buy, which they use for weapons. They take (as in Africa) the white man’s farms, give it to the black man, and he sits on it like a king, and does nothing, and after a while, it decapitates, like it has in Cuba, which I was there a few years back, and all those once lovely swimming pools, and mansions, are no better than shanties now. Good job Castro. So the money we give to the poor countries, they buy weapons with to kill their own kind, while the human rights groups run to the US, or EU, or UN, to save the day, so we can send more food or money to support the killing soldiers. I am not sure what side these groups are on, but I do know this, Satan is working overtime with planting stupid seeds in their heads.
We seem to say little about the blackmail aspect of these called third world countries, the poor boys down the black, and in most cases the reason they are poor is not because they have to be, but their government wants them to be, because they’d get their heads chopped off by the leaders, if they try jump over the poverty line, it is only allowed for a few to do that. If I was a king of one of these countries, I’d love the Human Rights groups to death, love them morning and night, even send them a free hotel pass, at any five star hotel in the country, if indeed they have one, they get their bread buttered by these folks.

I’ll put it in a nutshell; we are enabling other countries to embezzle, to take our tax monies and misappropriate those funds, to kill and starve and build up for World War Three. I can’t make it any plainer than that.

What is the solution? I’ll say it not so sweet, but up front, and you will not want to hear it, so don’t read this part then, but this part is the problem, and we are going to get rid of some of the problems right now: no one wants to hear reality, they want to live in a nutshell. Anyhow, let Israel bomb Iran, and that will take care of the nuclear issue one, therefore another ten-years, and they have enough oil to feed those starving masses if they want to. If not, well, let their president do what he does best, boast.
Second, North Korea, don’t give them a dime, let them take care of their own, if the people of North Korea want a dictatorship, let them have it, it’s called, create a revolution, like we did in America and fought for our freedom. In most cases, in governments, you get what you deserve, what you’ve supported. If the people are not willing to fight for it, then perhaps it is not worth fighting for, let the bad guys do what they’ve been doing, as long as it does not melt out into other societies. As far as the nukes go, blow them up. They are not going to hit South Korea, they may be strange, but they are not that stupid, they will lose the ‘goat and the rope.’
Zimbabwe, lets not have a stroke over it, half of Africa is like Zimbabwe. If they can afford to bring in ship loads of arms, they can buy their own bread. If they do not want to buy bread for the masses, then we got a choice, and it should not be blackmail. Go in and dethrone the king, or pay the piper for the rest of our lives, or his, or just let him do what he does best; chop heads until someone chops his off.
The world is getting full of these so called Humpty Dumpy’s who will fall sooner or later off their high towering walls. I for one do not wish to pay taxes to keep Egypt afloat, or Palestine armed, or to pacify the Human Right’s folks.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Helping: Mr. Keith Walendowski

I’ve been hearing a lot about this man from the Midwest who shot his lawn mower with a shot gun, and now they (officials of the city and state) want to put him in jail for 6-years and $11,000 dollar fine. First of all, I am from the Midwest, Minnesota, and I realize Mr. Walendowski is a drinker, and I worked many years, licensed, as a counsel for the State and Federal systems, and you don’t put someone in jail because he has a drinking problem, and has hurt no one, or has a temper, if that was the case Elvis would have never made many recordings he’d had been in jail for shooting his TV sets. Any judge, who can do that, put this guy in jail, for shooting a lawn mower, is got to be a creep in my book. But let’s look at the problem, not the situation.
It is obvious he has a drinking problem, so put him in treatment Mr. Judge, and he has an anger issue, so have him go to anger management, Mr. Judge, and just what are you going to convict him for? Disorderly Conduct? Go down to any bar after 11:00 PM, sit outside in the parking lot, and start hulling in the guys; you’ll get the jails full by midnight, for Disorderly Conduct. Do the city a service, and don’t spend so much time on this guy, just help him walk a straight line, because a fine and prison sentence is not going to do the trick.
Go after the bad guys with the guns, the ones you can’t catch.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Indifference Under the Sun (Torregaveta, west of Naples, southern Italy)

I read today of the two girls in Italy on the beach who drowned, and the bystanders, or beach folk, whatever you call them, were quite indifferent on the matter, simply looked at the dead bodies, and went back to their sunbathing, sipping soft drinks, and so forth and on. The question I ask myself is this, “Why I am not surprised?”
About 18-months ago, I did an article on indifference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, basically what I said was this in a nutshell: my wife and I were walking down a street, three young men came and jumped on us, one large person grubbing me, around my arms and shoulders, and the other men grabbing my wife, to rob her peruse. I freed myself from the large man, broke his nose and perhaps ankle, with my heel, when I kicked it. Then went to my wife to protect her, and one of the two let go to fight me, and I started to subdue him, and the large guy came back, this time didn’t grab me, but rather pushed me, so his friend could run back and help the other fellow with my wife to get the purse, while I was off balance, I again, subdued the big guy, and tired to get to my wife, now two of these guys attacked trying to get her purse, and they saw me, and two of them attacked me again, pushed me to the ground, in the process one remained by me, the other two of those grabbed my wife’s purse and ran, with the third following, and I ran after the third, but my wife called, and I stopped. I was 59-years old, so I was getting winded, and she was worried I suppose.

Well enough of the fighting, I now was with my wife, we looked up the street, a woman was watching, 80-feet away. We walked up to her, I said, “Nice show, ha?” And she said, “We rode by and saw it all.” I asked, “Who is we?” And her response was, “My husband and I.” She was perhaps in her late 30s. Then I asked, “Where is your husband?” Well, she looked at me, then with a smile said, “Oh, he’s in the car, parked over there, didn’t want to see it.” She pointed a few feet away from where she was, to her car.

She then said to my wife, “I saw it all, everything,” and after a few minutes, the police came, and she repeated that to the police. And I got thinking, here she and her husband was, in the safety of their car, watching me and my wife battle it out, and all she could do is watch from 80-feet away, and her husband hide in his car around the corner. Why not stop the car in front of the bully’s and watch, get a better show, why 80-feet away, they really like being safe. Or why didn’t they simply go, since they were not going to do a thing anyhow.

Oh well, enough of that, most people I meet come under the coward area anyway, especially men nowadays, who when they feel safe, they got a big mouth, but little back up. So I get an email from someone in –you guessed it, Buenos Aires, he wasn’t sad by that attack, or even concerned how my wife was, he said in essence: how come you attack Buenos Aires (which has an obvious answer to), we are not as bad here as you say, and he went on and on how nice and safe it is there, and how great the people are. Not one bit sad for what happened to us, what a loser I thought, he perhaps needs a little experience in this area, he most likely would have cried like a baby, and not fought, most people don’t they only like a good show and world that doesn’t disrupt theirs: he will most likely get his due.

I did go to the police, and they said, “No sense in making a formal complaint, it happens all the time here.” If I would have shot the robbers, they, the police would have put me in jail for taking thier business away. They, the folkis in Bueonos Aires, and I all know they are in on it. I called up the American Embassy, and asked about getting a new Pass Port, and in the process he said, “Don’t take it so hard, even us guys here have all got robbed by someone, sometime here in Buenos Aires.” And to add to this, our guide had told us how nice and safe the city was, don’t worry wherever you walk in town here, its safe. It is the most unsafe city I have ever been in, and indifferent to its guests. And the indifference is like that beach in Torregaveta, west of Naples, southern Italy, where those poor girls, in their teens, died, and everyone just looked on, under the sun.

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Should Israel Hit Iran?

Before you read this article remember it is an opinion, and we all have them, and if you are a Jew hater don't read it at all, it will only get you more anger, because there are a lot of those folks out there:

Should Israel bomb the nuclear sites in Iran? First of all let me say, it is easy to say something on behalf of someone else, when you are safe at home. But let me change the options, and perspective, and then come back to the question in the first line of this article.
If my neighbor said, “…as soon has I can afford to buy a gun and learn how to shoot it, and have money to buy bullets to kill you and your family members,” and if I believe he will do what he says he will do, I would stop him one way or another. I would try to go to the police (in this case with Israel and Iran, the UN), and after five years the police if they could not do anything, or nothing, and now I knew the window of opportunity was closing, the window that could protect my family, I’d have to hurry up and do whatever I had to do to stop the professed murderer to be, and it would not be going back to the police that for five years could not protect me in the first place, that only gave the enemy, the one that said, ‘…as soon as they have the means, we will destroy them…” I repeat, I would not stop them, without the police.
So now we can go back to the original question. Would I hit their nuclear sites? Let me give another example first: what country would not try to protect them from mad cow disease? Today South Korea is protesting US Meat, not protesting the North bombing them in the future, but rather meat, my point here is, they feel a threat to their society, and they are blocking the gates so the meat markets in South Korea. They have negotiated on this matter, and resolved some issues. In a like manner, the UN, and five other countries have talked with Iran, and solved nothing. It comes under the heading of being a protectionist.
Now we know Iran has oil, enough to light up all the cities in the world for ten-years, so do they need a nuclear plant? I don’t think so, and they know so. Ok, now we go back to the first question again, which is perhaps a little more obvious of what my answer is going to be ‘Should Israel hit Iran?.”
If I was Israel, I would ask: “Do we fight a war with Iran now, or when they got the nuclear bomb,” because they will fight with them sooner or later, and sooner with the bomb, once they have it.
This is what is on their minds I’m sure. The other question comes to light: will this start a worse bloodily war in the Middle East? Iran is already at war with America in Iraq, so it doesn’t really matter all that much. Matter of fact, if Israel attacked now, and not wait a year from now, America may have to back up Israel even if they don’t want to. Whereas, two years from now, will America be there to do it? Because once we leave Iraq, as Obama says, I doubt we are coming back to assist Israel.
Yes, so my answer is yes, if I was the Prime Minister of Israel, I’d do it mighty quick also, while the world is still tossing about the fear factor of what Iran might do, since they said they will do it once they got the means to do it. Tomorrow for me would not be quick enough.
Now for those that are saying “You must like to see people die,” because war means death. I say this, tonight most likely the person reading this, thinking how negative this letter is, is going to have a good nights sleep, will Israel? It is easy to say let’s talk, but Israel has been talking for five years, going in circles, and getting mixed messages, the window is almost closed. And if there is going to be a war with Iran, it’s a good time to have one, while Israel and the US are all in place; Russia is coming in with some long term assistance for Iran, once they are in place, it will be most difficult to hit Iran, without provoking Russia, and then we got more than we bargained for, and Israel will have a new war to deal with, and bigger.


Howard Stern: You mean the sick one?

  1. Howard Stern: yes, Again, the Sick one!

    Every so often I get an email, on Howard Stern, why I don’t care for his kind of entertainment. I get actually both kinds of emails, negative and positive. Negative saying, I should like him, and how great he is, and I should not write about him negatively, which I have not for years, and positive folks saying: your right he is a bad news, bad entertainment, a bad example for our society, especially our kids.
    Years ago when I was writing for a website, I wrote several articles on him, basically saying what everyone would expect a Christian to write.
    I said in essence, we have a lot of folks out there laughing at his sick and dirty jokes, and his TV sketches which where pats on the girls butt, and his homosexual overtones, and friends coming to his station to get on TV, and show all they could in a filthy way; So the question comes up again, why don’t I care for him or his entertainment. I’m a Christian, that should settle it and that should really settle it, but for some folks out there it doesn’t.
    His followers, which I hear are 10-million, so Howard claims, want me to embrace him. I think I could pray for him, but embrace him is a little too much. And if he really has 10-million followers, we can all see why there is an issue out there, we got a lot of folks liking what he stands for, and that is filth, and we all know that. He knows that, I know that, and you reading this know that. What you put into your mind, is what is going to come out of your mouth sooner or later.
    Nothing new: he does not talk on the virtues of life, or the sanctity of womanhood, or the love of children, or the need for Godly people, it is to the contrary, he talks about women being machines, and usable for sex and other pleasures, as men can be also. He has no virtues so he leaves them out of his talks, and just puts in jokes and puns, and children, I would guess are no better than dogs to him, except when he goes home and puts on the daddy play. He talks about alcoholism as if it is a nice escape, and he demonstrates his morbid issues, like William Burroughs did in his books and Allen Ginsberg has in his poetry. They all belong to the same sick club, and they infect our society, especially the children that end up listening to those around them, and hear that he is there idol, hero, and to be honest if that is the best anyone can come up with for a hero, we are really in deep mud: many folks think this person is a champion for the freedom of speech (which his folks would like to take from me, if they could, since I do not embrace him), when in essence he and they are the sick part of society. But freedom of speech, is not what he uses, he uses the weak side of man’s brain, he knows the psychological part of it well, and he feeds it, like one feeds a bull before the matador slaughters it. He knows he’s not going to Heaven, and doesn’t believe in hell, so he is free to infect society with this fitly virus, and he does.
    In conclusion, let me say, I do with people would stop bringing his name up to me, he offers nothing to mankind, nothing I really want to write about, only to the devil in man does he feed, and we have enough of that, what he offers, without his input. And so, to those who have written me using his name, I hope this once and for all puts it as a settlement, he will get his due in due time, and he is not worth anymore of my time, of course, you already know this, you just want to hear an echo of my displease with such folks. You can comb the internet and find out the other comments I’ve had on him years ago, that should feed your hunger. Now if this offends you, I can’t figure out why, Howard writes much worse than I. And don’t worry folks, your hero is still alive and among you, and the devil is waiting.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Is the Democratic Ticket Sweating?

CNN and the rest of the so called group gathering folks on data keep trying to figure out who will take the presidency, in November, said a month ago, most all of Clinton’s party will go over to Obama, how wrong they were, I could have told you that long ago, week by wee Obama is losing his following not only in that area but several other. Now they say, they will slip over after they go through the grieving period, then the depression, and then the acceptance. They are talking like a licensed counsellor, and I am a licensed counsellor. It doesn’t quite work like that, we are not talking about a dead horse, or a family member, or something that cannot be altered. Let me give CNN and the big boys at Obama’s party a few words of wisdom, free of charge of course, but perhaps a million dollars worth, and then some. People change for a reason, and they don’t change for the dumb one I read on CNN, to get a person to change, you change their formal reasoning. They are in an emotional state of course, but they are not going to be taken out of it, a week before Election Day, that’s silly, and we are not talking about a hurt alcoholic because you took his last beer away. Do you think some bird is going to drop a formal reasoning pill on every one who says they will stay home or vote for the another party? Those people are saying what they are saying for a reason, and for some odd reason, the Democratic Party is not listening, or are the data gatherers. Wake up out there; you are talking to a few million adults, not kids. That will not happen, and as long as folks sit back and look at the incoming data, they will be saying, “Well, now we have to go to plan B, no, C, or is if D now.” And then the victory is over, for you know who. I am one of those folks that you call a Republican, but was changing over because of Hillary, now I will go back to the Republican party, there are a lot of us folks out there also, ones CNN and all the other groups have not counted yet. But anyhow, so the data collectors are saying: they will change over at the last minute, issues are involved here, and everyone wants change. Not true, stop beating the rug, this is false. Many folks over fifty-years old do not care for all that much change, Obama proclaims to deliver, and can he deliver what he says anyhow. He is saying whatever needs to be said to win, that his gift. Hillary, we all knew, she was doing the same, but she is a little more trustful. People still see a lot of ‘if’ and ‘buts’ in the Obama ticket. Europe likes him because he is young, that is about it. If he get in if I were the world looking, I’d be saying, we may get short changed by this guy, I mean, do you really think we will end up buying more from China, South America, Europe? I doubt it, Obama is not for import, and he is for export. But we have to get back to reserved reasoning change. How do you do that? Well if you don’t do that, you don’t change the thinking of the person that is voting, or for that matter, you don’t change the thinking of anyone, they just keep on thinking they way they are thinking. I know this is kind of simple, but truths are simple; and you do not change it by a lecture on T.V., or in the newspapers, they may help but the real change comes should to should, eye to eye. You put the cards on the table and you show and tell, the old fashion way, and little by little you boil the frog alive, and he doesn’t know it. But if you put the heat of now, he knows what you are doing. Matter of fact, out of spite, he may run to the voting room and vote, for the other party, when he said he was going to stay home.
My recommendation to Obama’s party, and to CNN, since I sense they like Obama, is you better get all those meetings folks together, and have a town meeting with real people, and not machines, in all those voting cities and towns, and do a hands on job, sit down and talk to them eye to eye. The problem is, time may not allow that now. Recommendation two, have Hillary as president, and the arrogant Obama, as vice President, there is a winning ticket. If he selects Hillary as Vice President, it might not go so well, although it might look good. But the big shots in the Democratic Party, running the show, are not that smart to figure it out. Prediction: they will lose if they don’t change (this is the very thing they want everyone else to do)!
