World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Howard Stern: You mean the sick one?

  1. Howard Stern: yes, Again, the Sick one!

    Every so often I get an email, on Howard Stern, why I don’t care for his kind of entertainment. I get actually both kinds of emails, negative and positive. Negative saying, I should like him, and how great he is, and I should not write about him negatively, which I have not for years, and positive folks saying: your right he is a bad news, bad entertainment, a bad example for our society, especially our kids.
    Years ago when I was writing for a website, I wrote several articles on him, basically saying what everyone would expect a Christian to write.
    I said in essence, we have a lot of folks out there laughing at his sick and dirty jokes, and his TV sketches which where pats on the girls butt, and his homosexual overtones, and friends coming to his station to get on TV, and show all they could in a filthy way; So the question comes up again, why don’t I care for him or his entertainment. I’m a Christian, that should settle it and that should really settle it, but for some folks out there it doesn’t.
    His followers, which I hear are 10-million, so Howard claims, want me to embrace him. I think I could pray for him, but embrace him is a little too much. And if he really has 10-million followers, we can all see why there is an issue out there, we got a lot of folks liking what he stands for, and that is filth, and we all know that. He knows that, I know that, and you reading this know that. What you put into your mind, is what is going to come out of your mouth sooner or later.
    Nothing new: he does not talk on the virtues of life, or the sanctity of womanhood, or the love of children, or the need for Godly people, it is to the contrary, he talks about women being machines, and usable for sex and other pleasures, as men can be also. He has no virtues so he leaves them out of his talks, and just puts in jokes and puns, and children, I would guess are no better than dogs to him, except when he goes home and puts on the daddy play. He talks about alcoholism as if it is a nice escape, and he demonstrates his morbid issues, like William Burroughs did in his books and Allen Ginsberg has in his poetry. They all belong to the same sick club, and they infect our society, especially the children that end up listening to those around them, and hear that he is there idol, hero, and to be honest if that is the best anyone can come up with for a hero, we are really in deep mud: many folks think this person is a champion for the freedom of speech (which his folks would like to take from me, if they could, since I do not embrace him), when in essence he and they are the sick part of society. But freedom of speech, is not what he uses, he uses the weak side of man’s brain, he knows the psychological part of it well, and he feeds it, like one feeds a bull before the matador slaughters it. He knows he’s not going to Heaven, and doesn’t believe in hell, so he is free to infect society with this fitly virus, and he does.
    In conclusion, let me say, I do with people would stop bringing his name up to me, he offers nothing to mankind, nothing I really want to write about, only to the devil in man does he feed, and we have enough of that, what he offers, without his input. And so, to those who have written me using his name, I hope this once and for all puts it as a settlement, he will get his due in due time, and he is not worth anymore of my time, of course, you already know this, you just want to hear an echo of my displease with such folks. You can comb the internet and find out the other comments I’ve had on him years ago, that should feed your hunger. Now if this offends you, I can’t figure out why, Howard writes much worse than I. And don’t worry folks, your hero is still alive and among you, and the devil is waiting.

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