World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Helping: Mr. Keith Walendowski

I’ve been hearing a lot about this man from the Midwest who shot his lawn mower with a shot gun, and now they (officials of the city and state) want to put him in jail for 6-years and $11,000 dollar fine. First of all, I am from the Midwest, Minnesota, and I realize Mr. Walendowski is a drinker, and I worked many years, licensed, as a counsel for the State and Federal systems, and you don’t put someone in jail because he has a drinking problem, and has hurt no one, or has a temper, if that was the case Elvis would have never made many recordings he’d had been in jail for shooting his TV sets. Any judge, who can do that, put this guy in jail, for shooting a lawn mower, is got to be a creep in my book. But let’s look at the problem, not the situation.
It is obvious he has a drinking problem, so put him in treatment Mr. Judge, and he has an anger issue, so have him go to anger management, Mr. Judge, and just what are you going to convict him for? Disorderly Conduct? Go down to any bar after 11:00 PM, sit outside in the parking lot, and start hulling in the guys; you’ll get the jails full by midnight, for Disorderly Conduct. Do the city a service, and don’t spend so much time on this guy, just help him walk a straight line, because a fine and prison sentence is not going to do the trick.
Go after the bad guys with the guns, the ones you can’t catch.


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