World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Should Israel Hit Iran?

Before you read this article remember it is an opinion, and we all have them, and if you are a Jew hater don't read it at all, it will only get you more anger, because there are a lot of those folks out there:

Should Israel bomb the nuclear sites in Iran? First of all let me say, it is easy to say something on behalf of someone else, when you are safe at home. But let me change the options, and perspective, and then come back to the question in the first line of this article.
If my neighbor said, “…as soon has I can afford to buy a gun and learn how to shoot it, and have money to buy bullets to kill you and your family members,” and if I believe he will do what he says he will do, I would stop him one way or another. I would try to go to the police (in this case with Israel and Iran, the UN), and after five years the police if they could not do anything, or nothing, and now I knew the window of opportunity was closing, the window that could protect my family, I’d have to hurry up and do whatever I had to do to stop the professed murderer to be, and it would not be going back to the police that for five years could not protect me in the first place, that only gave the enemy, the one that said, ‘…as soon as they have the means, we will destroy them…” I repeat, I would not stop them, without the police.
So now we can go back to the original question. Would I hit their nuclear sites? Let me give another example first: what country would not try to protect them from mad cow disease? Today South Korea is protesting US Meat, not protesting the North bombing them in the future, but rather meat, my point here is, they feel a threat to their society, and they are blocking the gates so the meat markets in South Korea. They have negotiated on this matter, and resolved some issues. In a like manner, the UN, and five other countries have talked with Iran, and solved nothing. It comes under the heading of being a protectionist.
Now we know Iran has oil, enough to light up all the cities in the world for ten-years, so do they need a nuclear plant? I don’t think so, and they know so. Ok, now we go back to the first question again, which is perhaps a little more obvious of what my answer is going to be ‘Should Israel hit Iran?.”
If I was Israel, I would ask: “Do we fight a war with Iran now, or when they got the nuclear bomb,” because they will fight with them sooner or later, and sooner with the bomb, once they have it.
This is what is on their minds I’m sure. The other question comes to light: will this start a worse bloodily war in the Middle East? Iran is already at war with America in Iraq, so it doesn’t really matter all that much. Matter of fact, if Israel attacked now, and not wait a year from now, America may have to back up Israel even if they don’t want to. Whereas, two years from now, will America be there to do it? Because once we leave Iraq, as Obama says, I doubt we are coming back to assist Israel.
Yes, so my answer is yes, if I was the Prime Minister of Israel, I’d do it mighty quick also, while the world is still tossing about the fear factor of what Iran might do, since they said they will do it once they got the means to do it. Tomorrow for me would not be quick enough.
Now for those that are saying “You must like to see people die,” because war means death. I say this, tonight most likely the person reading this, thinking how negative this letter is, is going to have a good nights sleep, will Israel? It is easy to say let’s talk, but Israel has been talking for five years, going in circles, and getting mixed messages, the window is almost closed. And if there is going to be a war with Iran, it’s a good time to have one, while Israel and the US are all in place; Russia is coming in with some long term assistance for Iran, once they are in place, it will be most difficult to hit Iran, without provoking Russia, and then we got more than we bargained for, and Israel will have a new war to deal with, and bigger.



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