Waiting for the Antichrist!
Everyday we seem to be on the edge of World War Three, from the war that just about took place in South America between three countries, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador; China wanting to slowly weed out the blood of Tibet subjecting them to live in a rats nest, and telling the world to stand back and watch. Russia trying to tell the world Kosovo has a right to be under slavery and the hate of Belgrade; North Korea telling the South, they will burn them to ashes if they do not bow and talk nice to them, and Iran, Syria trying to eradicate Israel, and slowly bombarding Iraq to submission.
Where will the spark be? It perhaps will not be the first spark that ignites WWIII, but the second (in essence we are in the first stages of WWIII now, it is just the spark we are waiting for).
Those who promise to use the big bomb and have it, most likely will. I don’t blame Japan or South Korea for its concerns over those who have the ability, to harm them, because it is always hanging over their heads, and can and will the USA get its self involved with a nuclear country over a non nuclear country’s first strike, or take over because of a potential first strike, perhaps they would have in the last century, but I doubt this new century they will, plus, we are not as strong as we were eight years ago, and everybody knows it—and we are stretched to our limits worldwide, and do not have the capability of fighting a third war while the other two are going on (Iraq and Afghanistan).
So the first spark will come from a third world country I think, trying to prove they are a big world player, with a country with conventional capabilities, is my guess; it is like the robber, they seek out the weaker ones to rob—like Iraq who warred with Kuwait. Like Cuba wanted Russia to teach America a lesson, so many years ago, at Russia’s expense—by using it nuclear capabilities.
And so we live by hanging onto a thread, and putting out little fires before the big one comes, actually, simply avoiding the unavoidable for another day.
The United States will get hit most likely before this decade is out (biochemical or something worse, let’s hope something less), and all the officials know it, that is why they have second homes in the Caribbean, Europe, Central and South America. That is why they got their money in banks that are out of reach of the IRS, and out of the country. America is the safest and strongest, and best country in the world, but the world is not as it used to be, it envies too much, before it was everyone’s dream to get there, now it is everyone’s dream to be like them, while living in their own countries, and if need be, hurt the country you so envy.
Israel is right, they know other countries will used people as bombs, those who have deadly diseases, or wishful thinking of being a hero and going to heaven with a dozen woman, and wine once you give up your life for their cause. That is why Israel is still standing tall. America needs to incorporate some of Israel’s decisiveness.
When America sinks, the world will feel the ripple effect, and be subjugated into a world power, so confining they will think China and Tibet are blossom buddies, which we know they are far from it.
—So who are we looking for? The dictator of course, and who is he? A TV personality—most likely; he will be able to master mind the media, and capable of drawing loyalty to him from all walks of life. His every move will be monitored, and he will know all there is to know abut military weaponry, and he will know economics, have a great political mind, and spiritual sense, for the world will be ready for him in all areas, low in economics, high in worry about war. He will step into power for these purposes, to stabilize everything (he will be the Antichrist, satanic influenced).
During this time, he will kill, or starve to death his victims, persecution will be rampant. We will all see him on satellite television. We can even see in the Bible, in prophecy where TV will be used: Revelation Chapter 11: the Antichrist will be seen at once by the whole world, this was written 2000-years ago. This is only one indication the Antichrist is on his way. Plus, this was not possible fifty-years ago. And so we see the Biblical timetable at its end-time events (Revelation 6). War, famine, pestilence will all occur before the actual Great Tribulation. It will seem like the end of everything, but it will not be.
—Global volcanism, the inner parts of the earth will fill the atmosphere, sunlight disappear, or reduced to such a low it will be very cold, no crops (several volcanoes will erupt). Food stores in the USA have only about five days supply of food, should this happen tomorrow. This means population relocation on an international scale, and mass starvation. If nuclear warfare has not started with the spark, it will now start with a chain reaction.
—We do not need psychics and prophets to tell us what will take place, it will be obvious, there will be changes in the geography of our planet, within this cataclysmic time, a pole shift perhaps. I really think we are overdue, living on borrowed time. My projection is 2016-19, and a projection is just that, not a prediction. When everything is in alignment
Note: The author has studied eschatology, at Liberty University during the early 1980s, working on his Masters Degree, and finds doing an article now and then in this area rewarding.
Labels: Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D. and Poet Laureate