Buenos Aires: Should be on the Danger List
Buenos Aires: Should be on the Danger List
I’ve received some negative email on my article concerning the robber’s of Buenos Aires, one in particular, the writer feels I was too hard on the robbers, and his city, and his country, by notifying the people his city is dangerous. Then he goes on to say, I should learn how to speak Spanish if I’m going to visit a Spanish speaking country, evidently, this is the only article he has read of mine, since I have written 1200 for one Internet site alone, and 2800-articles, stories and poems for an uncountable number of internet sites that have picked them up. Of which 10% of them are in Spanish, and seven of my 35-books are in Spanish. But the main point here is, when we make excuses for a robber, feeling sorry for him, and his country men, and not for robbed there is something wrong here (he says every country has robbers, implies I should be so dumb as to walk into such a fate; actually the embassy in Buenos Aires said this: “We all got robbed here one time or another, so don’t feel too bad,” I could give you his name, but it would serve no purpose); so I should keep an open mind for the country that allows these robbers to go unchallenged, and cops that are corrupt, you are doing an injustice, but again I must keep an open mind, and say nothing because every city the man says, is like this.
New York City was the worse city to live in at one time for crime, until it was cleaned up, and I did an article on it recently, and proclaimed it to be the safest big city in the world (I’ve been there four times), much safer may I say than Buenos Aries, by far.
I have traveled the globe, and surely much more than my writer friend, and been robbed in several countries, and have wrote about them also, again I must say, he has only read one article of mine. He goes on to say I am angry. He is right, I am angry, and writing about something you can do little about is a way to get out you anger, notify others so they do not get thinking it is safe in Buenos Aires, as so many had told me, and I of course put down my guard, walked down a city block, got robbed by three young thugs, my fault of course, because it is a big city. But I have not distorted the facts. Plus, when a city or country or any area becomes too dangerous to travel in, it becomes news, matter of fact, the US Government posts them (perhaps my writer friend should notify the US Government to stop that also), and your travel agency has access to these danger spots, Buenos Aires should be on the Danger List, especially when so many in Buenos Aires are trying to tell the tourist how safe it is, come to Buenos Aires, and get robbed, and cheated in the Café’, yes, that is another story; anger is not the word, perhaps tired and annoyed might be better, and when you come out of a theater, you are almost mugged by twenty-five bums trying to get all your loose change, and not a policeman around, perhaps they is waiting down the street for his cut. Or when you go into a pizza place at night, and you got a half dozen characters looking in the window waiting for you to come out. Actually I was pretty kind in my article, there is much more. But needless to say, just make sure you are not alone if you are going there, and have a few broad shoulder men to keep you company. Also avoid, “Restaurant 36” in Buenos Aires, they will cheat you out of your money, and give you surplus meat for your dinner. Sleep well in Buenos Aires.