World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Invaders of America

Invaders of America

We got a problem, and when I say we, I do not necessarily mean Government, because the Government is half the problem. Let me explain, without trying to create anarchy, which is not good for any state or country. I am talking about a militia problem here (private Armies). We do not seem to have the government support, which is suppose to go according to our constitution, which is to ‘Safe guard the boards’ this is a violation of our Constitution, and the Government of America is at fault, and should be liable to the people who elected them, to go according to the Constitution, not to passive our neighbors. It is the job of the Federal Government, unless directed by them and given to the State, or it is the right, and obligation of the state to guard our boarders if the Federal Government falls short, or the third option is, for the public to take arms and safeguard our boarders. This is not anarchy, this is Constitutional. But it can turn into anarchy.
I see CNN, and FOX TV, and magazines and Newspapers all screaming, Anarchy look at the groups of people taking the law into their own hands, when in essence they have not yet, when I see simply people watching invaders coming over our boarders, and those we have already allowed in staying longer than agreed to. Thus, I see criminal activity, and the US Government, doing very little about it, but pacifying non-citizens, and having the legal citizens, subsidize them. These so called groups, anarchy groups I do not have a problem with, I am sure they will go away if the US Government and its elected officials do their elected jobs, and go according to the law of the land, the Constitution. I am a Vietnam Veteran, will 11-years in the Army; I did my duty, and did it well, while a lot of deadbeats smoked pot and sat back and watched America plunge in every which way, and say ‘I’d rather be dead than red’. It is wrong to give the status of a citizen for a hand shake. To make the Mexican President smile. We need friends, but we need safety first.
I live in Peru part of the year, and Chile and Ecuador, Peru’s neighbors, have take land from Peru, and Peru has done nothing about it in the past and present—why? Because they can’t, they’ve allowed these countries to invade Peru, and thus, now suffer the consequence. The fat cats take home the money, and leave the boarders open for the taking, sad to say, and I love Peru, but that is a fact. If the robbers of Peru spent the money they steal on military for Peru’s well fare, Peru would have their lands back.
Anyhow, Mexico is the worse of the lot. They tell us to not build walls, so they can invade; these are criminals once they advance on to US Soil, and they all are criminals if they are not here legally once their visas are up; they demand their rights without accepting responsibly. In Peru, I obey the rules, as I do when I go to Mexico, I do not cry for rights that I have not earned, or legally acquired. And now we are putting our guards in jail for shooting criminals, what is going on here. Prevention is the cornerstone to safety, not after the fact. Perhaps a terrorist is among these invaders, and if we got hit with a nuclear devise, because of this, than what. We got our airports safe, but that is about all. The news media seem to enjoy making the American Citizen the bad guy, when we should be thanking these so called, private armies whomever they are for doing the job, our government is paid to do but is reluctant to do. Mr. Bush, whom I voted for, start doing what is right, you know what that is, stop the invaders before everything falls apart. We can live without them.


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