World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can a Bulldong and a Cat play together? (China vs. Japan)

Will China and Japan mend their differences? (No!)

Will a bulldog and cat play together? Is the question, if they do mend their differences, there is an ulterior motive, and the motive will be on China’s behalf, and in China’s interest? Japan should arm themselves, and quickly, remembering what happened to Tibet. They could be on China’s future menu—China is still hungry over Japanese oil, in the Japanese Sea, and other things. I always hear of miner things breaking up long term goals for peace, such as Japan going to a temple site, that produces China’s anger; I don’t much care about China’s anger, nor should Japan, China is not a saint, never has been, and is more corrupt than Japan is now. They have enslaved Hong Kong, and scared Singapore to repentance, threatened Taiwan (and is waiting to enslave them), butchered Tibet’s people, and sucked dry the World Trade Organizations kindness by flooding Europe, South and North America, with cheaply made items, at our expense; on the other hand, they have taken the liberty of grabbing everything America has without paying for it, just duplicating it and selling it, and doing nothing about it. Getting along with China is a must, as it is with Russia, and the USA, but I would recommend it be on equal terms. China has bullied the world community in scorning Taiwan, for simply wanting to be unattached to a bulldog. Who wouldn’t; if I was Japan, I’d be putting nukes all over its islands, and then invite China for dinner, and show them how easy it is to aim them in China’s face, as they have done to Taiwan, but we all have short memories, do we not. There will be a future showdown, and will the USA be available, and willing to help Japan? Self interest is stronger than the devil himself, which is what Japan should be worried about: don’t count on anyone. And look at China’s track record. Be careful who you sup with. Even if China promised Japan, to deliver the whole Forbidden City to them on a silver platter, I’d still look for the hidden motive, and arm myself quick (it is too late after the fact). If they are not accountable to anyone now, mending bridges is simple saying; I will not bite you today.


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