World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How About those Young Critics

How About those Young Critics

The whole American speech today is turning into butter making and swallowing a large mouth full of cream and the world is a matching set. With the young critic today, there are certain things he or she does not know; blind I call this to some part of the spectrum, and part of the butter making process. Because in most cases their determined attempt has a patriotic flag, to conquer, thus it is not possible to get a good review in most cases, disuse of the beginner, to his limited culture refinement.
Another point not understood by young critics, who are clumsy at languages, is this: when we are kids, in our limited environment, we memorize certain things, process, biases, and it sticks with us for life, or until we can measure it with something else, in the process, one becomes however bored, prideful, and they never wholly forget, and consequently, call Confucius, Homer, Ovid, Dante, old stuff, unsatisfactory. This goes on in the internet, newspapers, magazine reviews, almost everyplace you find a young critic.
Is there a remedy? I do think so, I suggest don’t be limited to vague terms, making them up on their own, simply because they are too ignorant to have a meaning for them; the young critics who use terms so vaguely, by which I mean, articles etc.; we should demand of a critic his ideograph (his symbol), next what does he consider valid, or good writing, and what does he consider general terms. Now we know where he is coming from, and who he is, and should he be doing what he is doing, like a waitress that never smiles, she’s in the wrong business. It is like having someone live in St. Paul, and write about Peru, and never go there, he cannot simply stay in Minnesota writing about the Inca Culture, or the Wanka customs, or Nazca pottery, looking at pictures, he must begin by works (touching the pottery, traveling to the locations, talking to the people; another example might be, as in living in the south, no one can say this is bad or good language, if indeed folks talk the way you heard them talk, why would you write perfect English, when the folks back when, didn’t speak perfect English, it is the new young critic that things this way. Thus, before a critic becomes a critic, he needs a core curriculum (or program) in place with instructors, or be forever annoying to the readers with the dullness he demands.

Some years ago, I had a young man whom wrote me off and on for several months, wanting advise on what to write about, and I told him: forget about writing (if you can’t figure it out), and go on an adventures around the world, and when you get back, you will have more than what you need to write about. He said, "What do I need to start," I said, "...feet!" I haven't heard from him since, and that has been three or four years back. Perhaps this might be good advice for some young critics.


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