World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, March 05, 2007

Iran & North Korea: Sacking the West

Sacking the West: America the Slave
Under: Black Mail

I hole this makes some sense, it does to me, but then often I find out, people have their own views, and rather be red then dead, an old saying from the 60s. Anyhow, let me see if I can get my thoughts out on this the way I’d like them. Democracy and liberties, we Americans are putting them up for sale, for hamburgers, and fried Chicken, pizza and soda, as we pay black mail money to any and every country threatening to build a nuclear arsenal. A bribe that is what it is, clear as day. This will not give us salvation, or a higher survival rate, but an ultimately impotencies (inability to function properly)) sad to say, but there are after affects to this)), as we burn those who think different, it is the curse of America’s new mentality, its general concepts: pay them, in the name of protection and peace; in the process, we go into isolation, as our religions are damned also, we are govern by men who take in account too few of the facts. A United Nations that is a farce, and a danger in that its committees appoint inner cliques to sack larger nations of their GNP in the name of plenty (yet these nations we support with food, have the ability and money to build nukes, just not feed their people, and why feed and heat them, or keep them warm, when you simply need to black mail America), and in the process create local disputes, which produce war. In Minnesota we go to jail for bribing a police officer, yet our elected officials, get a badge of honor for such work, and publicly too. We remain slaves to the little countries that black mail us, with no liberties (liberties indicate freedom from bondage), as long as we allow other nations to black mail us we are slaves.


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