World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Bug-eyed Monkey Man: Darwin, and the Kansas Debate on Evolution

Saint Darwin, the Monkey Man, and Kansas´ Debate on Evolution

When I was a kid, and that was long ago, life was simple, there was no fighting in educational establishments over how man was created. Now we go on forever trying to prove one mans concept, or should I say, faith, or belief, since it has not been proven, which is none other than Saint Darwin, and his ever lasting theory of Evolution, why everyone is stuck on, which is beyond me. Kansas seems to be leading the fight for God or a Higher Power, being responsible for life (or was, and is no more). Whereas, the well educated folk can’t seem to adjust to such a simple faith called God Almighty, and select, the extreme, the bug-eyed monkey to be our long lost link, or God.
How did this all start? I mean, life was simple when I was young, the zoo had the monkey, and we got to visit him looking through bars, now we teach our children we got to accept them as our long lost ancestors. I think it is easier to believe in the faith called, a Higher Power created us, rather than coming from a lower power the monkey who can’t tell us a thing but make funny faces at us all day.
I’m no scientist, and I know I think in simple terms, but just because it says so in the book, or in the eyes of a few educated people, don’t make it right.
When I was in the hospital dying several years ago, and the doctors said to my mother: he’s going to be a Fruitcake when he wakes up (no brain left is what he meant), I had a stroke, a bad one, and heart surgery, I was not suppose to have survived and the doctors could not do a think about it. In three days I healed, and the doctors were in shock. I suppose the Lower Monkey God did that, Saint Darwin sent him I expect.
Call it what you will, but it is wrong thinking…you can’t coddle a monkey god, and Darwin was no more of an authority on such matters than a bird watcher; if he did anything, he did create a fantastic fantasy movie, in the form of a book (like Jack London’s “Before Adam,” which I enjoyed reading, as I have enjoyed reading, “Charles Darwin's 1859 book "The Origin of Species" but I’m grown up now, and I got to put kids stuff away, the fantasy collection, is what I’m speaking of, it is good stuff for my grandchildren, but to have a whole nation believe in one mans delusions is insane, but he got peoples attention, did he not. The best thing I can say about the man was he was ahead of his time, like Victor Hugo’s, “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells; and like Hitler once said: it is easier to fool the masses, than the few, how right he was. From what my research shows, Darwin just before he died, said: "I really didn't believe so many people would believe me." Fools believe foolish things.


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