Iran, Crybaby (Diplomat Kidnapped)
Iran, Crybaby (Diplomat Kidnapped)
I think Iran got a taste of their own medicine, and they don’t like it. They think they can kill Americans and Iraqis at free will, disrupt Israel through Syria and Lebanon, send military snipers over to Iraqi, and be immune to terrorism itself, when it is part of the lot. It’s about time they get payback. Iranian President said the abductors “…acted under U.S. supervision." I say, all the better, they got my support. If I hear right, it is a crybaby, I hear over there, but it is all an act. You get what you plant, if it is bad seeds, you get black roses. If I had the power, and I don’t, we’d have been doing this long ago, the day we found out Iran is poking their nose into Iraqi, we should have been poking our noses the same way into Iran. Perhaps, Iraqi is tired of Iran meddling into their affairs, and Washington, is just looking the other way and saying: do what you want, we can’t tell them a thing, and they won’t listen, so perhaps this will get their attention (kidnapping is not a good thing, don’t get we wrong, it is just a normal thing over there, and Iran has thus far been immune to it). In my old neighborhood, on Cayuga Street, in St. Paul, Minnesota, it is called: fighting back the same way. The diplomat was in Baghdad, where everyone is killing everyone else, perhaps he should know he is in a war zone, and that means war.
I think I will celebrate this evening, and toast the Iraqi folks for once are fighting back at the folks fighting them, instead of fighting Americans whom are trying to help them; thus, taking a little step forward in this terrorist war, that Iran has been sending over to the Iraqi people now. I think the only thing that has slowed down the retreat of the Iran military forces infiltrating Iraqi lands is the Americans under order to maintain peace. Arabs know how to fight Arabs, throw the rules in the gutter, and fight. Americans have too many rules that is why we are losing the peace, why we lost Vietnam, and why we are bogged down in the first place.
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