World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mugabe: King of the Wild Kingdom

Too Many Kings in the World
(Dedicated to: King Mugabe)

King Robert Mugabe has more expressions in his face and arms than a dog has wiggling his tail. The old coot, I kind of like, if only he could stop acting like Castro, and settle down, and take off that overly proud look of his. He is king, and will remain so until he dies, and like Castro, many a folk are waiting to celebrate that day (I am not, simply because he cannot rule me, if he could, I WOULD probably celebrate with those poor folks also), but why can’t he have a little mercy for his own race, the Zimbabweans, hard to figure out the old man. Unfortunately, when we get old we forget those suffering around us, Castro has, the North Korean leader has, and so many other leaders have, so to condemn him, we must condemn many others, and some would prefer to name President Bush, who is bankrupting America, among that group. No, Mugabe is not alone in this world of shameless robbery of his own kind, his own people, he has company galore. We could even go to Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Jordan even to Cambodia for kingship, or Yangon (old, Rangoon), to name a few shameless countries that could keep Mugabe company.
Mugabe’s birthday is coming up, and I’d like to attend it, but I don’t have the time, he will be 83-years old. He’s now ruled Zimbabwe for some 27-years; he must have gotten his leadership criteria from Castro (he has survived everything)—Castro being his old friend of course. How long will he last, I’m sure a few more years, and then hand his kingship to one of his loyal followers, and a new regime will be born, unless… the country rises up and a revolt starts, or everyone leaves the country and there will only be animals to rule over, sad to say, but true, more pain is in store for that country whom ever decides to stay, animal or human, but the old saying is very true: you deserve the king you allow to rule you, and his government. So why complain.


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