World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, March 05, 2007

America Growing Ignorant

America Growing Ignorant

Ignorant 1

Ignorant: unaware, badly informed, rude, ill-bred: I could go on and on, but that describes the topic pretty well, America is becoming Ignorant, this is not a phenomenon, it is a fact, and humanly motivated. And so I want to show you in my words, in my way.
We think, as Americans, we are pretty smart in this so called New World Order, which has been developing since the 1960s, because perhaps we win wars we cannot govern or contain thereafter. Thus, in the process we have forgot how to move about in a world we have inspired to change, only to find ourselves denatured and growing more ignorant about what is happening around us.
We have artificially created a world wide economy (cut out of what now is called globalism: a ward that didn’t exist in the 1970s); it is knitted together by the WTO (World Trade Organization), with the USA at the helm; yet the USA has lost the talent to run the program, out of plain old ignorance bad choices, bad selections, and allowing the blind to govern the blind.

What is the Mission? 2

What is the mission? It must first be defined, not after the fact, as in our reconstruction of wars. He, who has knowledge of the subject, without knowing the facts, is bound to arrive at a dead end. A friend of mine said he hated New York City, I asked him why? He said, “I couldn’t find a hotel, and me and my kids had to carry our luggage all over town…etcl,” But after asking for more facts I found out: he never made reservations; he didn’t want to take a taxi, he walked everyplace trying to find a hotel, and ended up sitting the night away on a bench with his kids. It did rain, but he just abruptly took him and his wife to NYC for a weekend holiday without any planning, expecting all would be well. I told him, I was in NYC three times and had a blast, but I had also done some planning, I had a mission, and it entailed having a place to sleep in advance, my mission was to see several sites my wife and I wanted, it was defined, if indeed we seen more than what we planned, all the better. On his part, ignorance, yes, and self inflicted.

Admiration 3

To avoid uncertainty know when you will be out of place—in most regional, and religious situations, after a war, this is overlooked; civilization building is not simply putting bricks on top of bricks.
America was once a world classic, why? Because it had certain eternal and inner irresistible freshness, it wasn’t ignorant, and then admiration came from those all around her.

The Past 4

Ignorant countries of the past are rediscovering the simple laws once mislaid (such as: Egypt, Germany, Japan, China, and Russia, to name a few), can be regained. Life mixed with the laws’ of art (skills, talent and ability to do), can pull a man away from ignorance.

When I eat fish, I want to know what kind of fish it is…that is called (to my understanding) modern thinking. When I was in the Amazon, I ate perinea; they have small bones in them, and many, similar to sunfish, back in the State of Minnesota, in the USA. I do realize, perinea fish, are not created to swim in the lakes of Minnesota, to try and make them, will create disorder among the other fish, to force the other fish to accept these deadly beasts, would to me be ignorant.
We are in this tub, kind of, that we think everything needs to look the same: hamburgers, pizza, sodas, chicken. The world is not a pizza, and the New World Order, is having a hard time figuring this out.
It is like trying to govern Iraq, with American ideology. If you want to win a war, you go to America, we are good at it, but if you want to govern, and contain Iraq (or a country like Iraq), you resurrect Saddam Hussein (or find someone like him, I hate to say). To think otherwise is ignorant of the laws of submission, environment, common will, and that is where criticism comes in for the USA.

Think carefully on this, this philosophic thought, their way of thinking produces difficulties for us, not for them, we say they misinterpret us, and they say, so what. Persuasion is no different than manipulation, and nobody likes to be manipulated.


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