World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama's World for America (Letter: 2)

Obama’s World for America
The Obama Syndrome

Everyone is on a high with President Obama, because he is the thing that will bring America if not the world change. I think the world is more in love with him than America to be frank, and they should be, he is what they want. With Bush, who made some big mistakes, made some good decisions also? Only two days in office and from what I see Obama is clueless, if not directionless. We don’t need miracles, we need sound judgment.
In less than 48-hours here are the decisions he is making, and planning. The planning part is more conjecture at this moment, but from what has said and he didn’t say, this might be pretty close to the truth.
First, he is going to release the prisoners at the Cuban, prison (Guantanamo) United States military facility, the one they just built a $500-million dollar addition to. Furthermore, he doesn’t even know where he is going to put them, great planning, how about mainstream America? Where else? I hope not in my backyard though, perhaps his. The point being, you have terrorists there, and no one wants them here, these terrorists want rights, not responsibilities, but rights, perhaps the ones doing all the complaining, from Europe over to Mexico and down to South America and Asia, should take them in, house and feed them, send out the welcoming wagon (but on that subject they are silent like mice). There are no takers, just complainers. I understand, it makes America look bad, but perhaps we are a little hasty here, I mean, do we have to have them looking through our kitchen windows to make America look pretty to the rest of the world, this is dangerous, and when some American house wife gets stabbed to death by one of these fellows, then what?
The president needs to find a better solution, not one the World wants, but the American Citizen wants, and I say citizen, because the president of America works for us, not us for him; we sign his pay check.
Having said that let me address the abortion clause he is in the process of signing. There are not many Americans I know that want to pay for a strangers abortion counselling, or abortion per se, but Obama doesn’t see it that way, so he is going to force feed us, like a baby, that neither is here or there, he will make some people happy by doing that, just as many mad. But the problem is, as it has always been, he kept it a secret until now, you know what I am talking about, those little deletions, generalizations, and distortions, we used to call them little white lies, because you didn’t really lie, you just fibbed. How many more will pop up soon?
Let’s go on here. I seem to be full of beans today writing all this on his second day in office, but he’s been a busy president these last few days, so what can I say.
On top of the one-trillion dollars America is in debt for, he is going to put $825-billion dollars on that, trying to kick start a dead lion. It is better to be a live dog than a dead lion. That is about 16% of our annual GNP, this is not good. The Monopoly Game money will be worth more than our dollar soon, with that kind of forecasting of spending just brings the world into a fright. And let’s hope, China and Japan, and Europe don’t call in our debt, god help us all then, we’ll have to all move to Peru, their money is a much higher value than the dollar at this moment.
Next, he is implying to overhaul our immigration, this may be another thorn in America’s side. If he is thinking, and I think he is implying, about opening the floodgates for Mexico, and Asia, and the rest of the world, I’d send the Statue of Liberty back to France, it is too high a price to pay. The Statue of Liberty reads, and perhaps he should read the saying on it, and I shall paraphrase, it’s been a while since I been out there, “…for the despaired…” not for the unemployed. In any other country, and I have been in 60, you do not demand citizenship because your government is to lazy to find a job for you, they don’t want you there if you do not have money in the bank. We could learn from them.

Last but not least, now what do I expect in the near future? One thing I think is that the United Nations will want the United States to bend their knees a little more, I mean we give them $20-billion already, but they’d like to control more than our pocket books, and this president I think is willing to hand over more than the piggy bank, this will come soon. And let me add to that, the World Court, which we have in the past so solidly defied and not allowed our solders to be overmanned by, lest we be on trial day and night and the enemy would love that (as I predict the terrorist at the Cuban prison will soon). What I fear is what I think he’ll do next, He will, I predict, hand us over to the wolves there. I hope I am wrong.

Another worthwhile note is, I feel the new president is being a little careless with the North Koreans, lifting the so called regime from the bad guy list, or terrorist list, when just a month ago, they told South Korea they would blow them off the map. I spent 11-years in the military, I realize we have a president who hasn’t spent 11-days in it, and is making decisions that can be very costly for our alias in that area. He needs to stop and think his decisions: ask the question, “Who will my decisions hurt?” It’s a simple question, not just go ahead and give the benefit of the doubt a secret society will come and hug you with open arms, that is a fairy tail way of thinking.

Well, that is enough for letter two, I did write one the other day, it is somewhere on the Internet.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The New President: now What? 1-2009

The new president—think as you will—is directionless, even though he has convinced the world at large to the contrary; presumptive heir to the Kennedy years, and Lincoln, saga. He has engulfed all the classes, although, perhaps into what soon may be known as the wishful-dreamers table in some lonely cafe. He has as I said in other articles, saved his complexities for a later date, and one has already emerged, the turning back of tax money, few Americans want to spend out of their pockets, on someone else’s kids getting abortions. He didn’t proclaim he’d do this of course, he’d note dare to, he only whispered it behind solid walls, like when he eliminated his middle name, for the sake of the presidency. He got the Mexican vote, but I doubt he is going to do much for them.
They are comparing him with heroes that have long been proven heroes, he has not done a thing but generalizes, delete, and distort. You are not witnessing a sour mouth, I would have voted for Rice, or Hillary, which I didn’t care to do, and I didn’t like the other choice running for president he was worse then Hillary, so I didn’t vote at all, how can one, with such a selection: one cancer, the aids. God help us.
He is going to put 800,000 billion dollars on top of the already one trillion dollars of money owed out, we will have to cut a lot of trees down to print up all those dollars. We see already, the financial world is gripping for their life. You don’t heal a wound by putting salt on it.
Everybody gives the president 90-days to see how he is doing, and in those 90-days we normally see what damage he has caused or what good he has done, but of course this may be different for Obama, simple because he has voiced his opinions so loud, we expect miracles from him now, only the devil or God himself can give. But all presidents have done so, prior to becoming president that is how they made president. Few do what they say, and those that do, always get enemies somewhere along the line, in either way. I hope the best for him and America, they sure put on a good show for him anyhow, and that is worth something, and if that is all we get, we might be lucky.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Siluk Horror writer: Bram Stoaker Award (2009)

Siluk: Bram Stoker Award

Announcing the Horror Stories and books by
Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D.

Under consideration for the Bram Stoker Award

For best short fiction collection, 2009

See his horror books: the Tiamat trilogy, series, plus several short story horror books, “Death on Demand” (to include the renowned story, “The Rape Angelina of Glastonbury, AD 119” read by many of his 150,000-monthly readers) (and: “The Seventy Born Son”); “Dracula’s Ghost,” has eight trying stories, and “The Tale of the Jumping Serpents of Bosnia, another Colleton of eldritch short fiction (to include the growing interest in “Night Ride to Huancayo” a horrific supernatural tale). Also, the psychological thriller, “The Mumbler,” and “Manticore, Day of the Beast” And his book on visions “The Last Trumpet…” and “Angelic Renegades…” he is the unknown crown horror writer of the decade. Also see “After Eve” [a book of historic adventure].

His books can be seen on; B&; and all the other internet big and small book dealers.

For those interested in the readings of Mr. Siluk’s books, he invites you to email the following:

See Reviews by Benjamin Szumskyj on Dennis L. Siluk (and visit his many websites http://

BENJAMIN SZUMSKYJ is a qualified teacher (Bachelor of Arts in Education / Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, minor in English) at a private high school. He also has a diploma as a librarian technician/assistant and a graduate diploma in Christian Studies. Szumskyj also acted as convener on the horror panel of the 2005 Aurealis Awards. In addition to being a member of the Australian Horror Writers Association, he is also a member of the (American) Horror Writers Association. His blog can be found at SSWFT, which is updated irregularly.

"In the Pits of Hell, a Seed of Faith Grows" - a review of The Macabre Poems: and Other Selected Poems (Volume III) by Dennis L. Siluk for Calenture: a Journal of Studies in Speculative Verse (Volume 1 # 1: September 2005).

"Interview with Dennis L. Siluk," for Lost Sanctum #2 (Wild Cat Books, 2006).

“He Is What He Writes: The Weird Tales of Dennis L. Siluk" for Dissections: The Journal of Contemporary Horror #2

(>, 2008).

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