World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The False Leopard: Obama

The False Leopard: Obama

Obama, He will be the biggest mistake the United Status has ever made in selecting a president, if indeed he becomes president; if he becomes president, he will be the most Ungodly president we ever had, perhaps that is why the young folks like him. He is for abortion, for gun control, he translates the bible to mean what he wants it to mean. He is no Christian, and not only has his blood testified to that, his mouth has. He will be the down fall of the once American Empire. He tries to change his spots like a leopard, but he can’t. We had many good men to select for our president, and we ended up with the three worse of the lot, and Obama, among the three, is the least likely to be of any use to the American People. He will stop a war, and create a new one, one we cannot win. He will hand the government over to the United Nations, and the European Court, Dr. James Dobson, Christian Psychologist, is absolutely right, here is a man, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, one who feels Christianity does not belong in the Whitehouse, or even in Congress, or even in America, although he wants the Christian vote.
He has never been in the Military, and mocks the military by saying he can run it better than any man alive, that it doesn’t take a seasoned veteran to run such a program, he must think it is the Boy Scouts he’s talking about.
Here is a man that hides behind his middle Islamic name. Whose church is more anti white, bias and cantered toward spreading the good word that white folk are the enemy, even more so than the Black Panther’s did in the 60s. If he becomes president, God help us all. I think Obama thinks he can fool all the people all the time, if indeed he is given that time. But as the old saying goes, you can’t fool all the people all the time, perhaps some of the time, until they wake up. It would seem to me, Obama, would like all the Christians in America to overlook their belief systems, and vote on the least moral grounds possible, leaving ethical issues for the church, and democracy for him to decide how it should be for the people by the people. Yet the foundation of America was not built on his beliefs, they were built on a strong Christian foundation, one I believe he wants to eliminate, if he can. He implies we should not fight for what we believe, we should not fight at all, just let the government lead blindly the blind. He doesn’t want Christianity in the schools, but he wants the children in the schools to abide by Ten Commandments, everything he talks about is Godless, and superficial faith.

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Political Dementia in Peru

Recently, Peru had a fiesta for the world at large, shut down Lima, gave everybody a holiday without pay, and lavished the rest of the world with gifts, telling them how great Peru is, even though there is a robber on ever street corner ready to kill for a few bucks. Every woman, every household, and perhaps everybody, in Peru have been robbed once or twice and it is rising with Garcia in power, the day he was ordained King of Peru; the police are worse than the robbers, they wait by churches and rob the security people who are trying to protect the houses around the neighborhood, that is really the job of the police, but they now have taken up robbery themselves, it pays better. Every house in Lima has gotten iron bars on it, and you got to ask why? It is because Garcia’s police force demands it to be so, lest you lose house and furniture. Nowadays, the robbers do not take a T.V., or computer, they take the whole house full of furniture; and Garcia says on TV, look how great we are. He is blind, and lead by the blind; he has dementia I think, or is in another world.
They, the president and his staff, now want to have the Olympics in 2020 AD, and they can’t even feed their own, they have to still take handouts. Something is missing here. Garcia is on another one of his grandeur episodes, he was in the 1980s, and Peru plunged to the depths of hell, like Zimbabwe has recently, and now that Peru is sending all its food out to other counties, to become international, Garcia likes that word, food prices have doubled in Peru, how nice of him to think of the international trade before his own people, that suffocates his own people. All he will be remembered for in history I fear will be as a pea in a pod, that none care to remember. He is so out of sink with his people. I think he is trying to do what he did last time, hide the money for retirement, and run to Paris when his regime is up, but this time he wants enough money to have it out live him. He moaned and groaned about how he wanted to show the people of Peru, he could be a good president, if only they would give him a second chance; but as most Peruvians can see once a thief, always a thief.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Why so Many Robbers in Peru?

Why so Many Robbers in Peru?

I’ve been coming to Peru for nine years, lived her the past three, and the question comes up now and then, “Why are there so many robberies in Peru?” Especially in Lima; people (outside of Peru) think it is because of the poor ole souls here without work, it is far from the truth. Let me explain.
For the most part the economy is doing well, the poor and old the ones no one helps, especially President Garcia, are not the robbers, what little they have; they are the ones being robbed. It is the young, able, lazy, drug addicted, gangs; it is the un-retired terrorists, and the middle-aged that are not professional, and all those that fall in-between.
It starts from the top. Something like sixty percent of the population said it has gotten worse since President Garcia took office, if you do not know his background, he is known to be the biggest robber in the country, hid in Paris for a decade so the French could protect him from his own people, whom he robbed millions from. If you are asking why he got into office, it is a long story, but the population in Peru have a degree of robbers, and the robbers like the law, because the law is for them, it is not for the person being robbed, that is why it is so profitable to be a robber in Peru.
It would be easy to enforce the laws, which are many, and the reason they do not is in part, because most mayors got into the office with the intentions of robbing, and a robber does not want to enforce laws he may be subject to himself—lest he put himself in jail. Most have businesses in their districts, I mean after they become mayor, most construction in Lima has been done under the law, and has violated most every law made in that area, but a signature from the Mayors office seals the deal, law or no law.
Let me give you some examples: if you are robbed, and your chances are 70% you will be if you are not with a group, if the group leader doesn’t rob you on vacation, but he is being paid to take you to the places of interest, and on the side to take you to places other people want you to go. They may even get paid to give the time and date when they (you) will be at a certain place, where a gang of robbers will be on hand.
If you get robbed, and it is under $2000, dollars, the police will not waist their time with you, prefer not even making out a report, and if they do, they will ask you for his name, and identification, and hope you have a picture, they don’t. If you are asking “How would I get his name,” that is where the problem comes in; no robber gives his name, do they. Case Closed!
And if they do follow up on it, it is to appease you, and nothing will be done in reality, the paperwork will be lost before you get back home on your seven day vacation.
Another example is, if you shoot a robber, and your life is at stake, and he does not have a gun, even if there are three of them, you go to jail, pay his hospital bill, and he goes home free, without charges. This is a fact. The justice in Peru is not in protecting yourself from the robber; it is allowing him to take at will, what he may, so it pays, and the robber knows this. He may even tell you to shoot, hoping he will survive, and take you to court and empty your bank account legally.
The mayors control the police in their district, and the police in Peru are worthless, most of them, there are a few special units worth their salt, but you will most likely not see them. They guard the president, and the mayors, and are used for special missions. The regular police actually turn their heads if a crime is in progress this is no job, come and see. It is not because Peru has no laws, they do, but none are enforced, the police get paid about 900 soles a month, about $400 dollars. You can buy your way out of anything, even a murder for fist full of dollars.
When I first came to Peru in 1999, it was safer than now, the laws more enforced. The last two presidents had done well for Peru, and funny isn’t, they are the ones the people try to prosecute.
Garcia now, is on his high horse, he has forgotten the people, out of touch with them, and is on some race to make Peru stand out as the country remodeled by him, as if this is Egypt, and he is the pharaoh, and he will be remembered for his glory. Sad to say, he will be remembered as a two time loser, he was President in the 1980s and he broke the country, gave them the highest inflation in the world. He now is living on the momentum of the past two presidents; Garcia in history will be forgotten like the thieves that are now robbing freely, the poor and hardworking folks of Peru, will wash their hands of him.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Can we afford Obama?

Do we dare with—Obama?

Obama is not the right person for President, period. Why? We judge a person by whom he hangs around with, what is said, and if he stays in the same house with the person he says is doing wrong, and we so judge this person accordingly. It took him a long time for him to make that decision, with a lot of apologies in between to leave his church domain. We judge everyday, ever decision we make. To be frank, none of the three candidates are fit for office, but I fear Obama, is the worse of the worse, Clinton, whom I do not favor either is the best of the worse. This of course is my opinion. But I have looked, as the nation has looked closely at his background, as we should, and what he says, and where he came from, and where he goes, and who he hangs around with, and found him needing. He regrets he has had a negative relationship with a church recently, that is recently, I wonder what that church has talked about for the last twenty years, it by their own tongue, anti white, anti everything but Muslim and black, so it seems, and under the roof of Christianity “Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content three with, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbade them that would, and cast them out of the church.” (Epistle of John) they talk it, they salute it, and all in the name of Jesus Christ. They scorn Clinton, as if she should be hated, “But he that hate his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and know not whither he goes, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.” (1 John). God gave to John a message he said, “…try the spirits see if they are of God: because false prophets are gone out into the world.” This is Obama’s church in a nutshell.
I hate to tell them, but Christ was not black, nor was he white, he was Jewish, and we know what a Jew looks like, do we not, and what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and so we know the heart of the church, and perhaps a good portion of the heart of Obama. On the other hand, he has a slight bend to the Muslim agenda. On one hand this is seen as a gift, for both sides of the world, on the other it is very suspicious—like taking his middle name out of his full name, and not exposing the fact his father is Muslim, they had to pry it out of him, because he wants to hide the fact for the present, until he makes president, he is of the Muslim code, or could be. Even Satan can go into a church and bend his knees with the rest of the crowd, and walk out smiling. It does not mean he is for Christ, his ways his heart. And one cannot afford to guess who is sitting in the White House.
He is pro gun control. If he could, and he may have the chance to, he’d take the guns away from everyone in America, everyone that is, but his bodyguards. Perhaps he will also join the International Court that will end the active role for our military around the world as a superior power, tie their hands. Also, he will give the United Nations all they want, at the expense of the American Tax payer, now we give twenty-billion of our money to feed the empire of the UN, while our own unfed, remain unfed. This would pull the rug from under the chair right out from the poor.
He has never served a day in the military, and I do not think is qualified, to control the military, why should we give him control of something he knows nothing about. It is like giving a backyard car mechanic, the go ahead to fix the 747 Jet at the international airport, whom will carry all the food, arms, money, and congress to its next destination. I spent eight years in active duty, one in war. And he wants to be Commander and Chief, where is his qualifications, in this area I would and could make better decisions, and I do not feel qualified. God help us all, if he is president.

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