Isreal: Monkey see, Money Do (Isreal Kicking thier Butts!"
Israel Kick Their Butt!
It never fails, but I always fail to understand the media in such situations, and the dumb folks that follow it, or them, like white on rice, as if they do not have a mind of their own, or perhaps they are Jew Haters also, there are a lot out there. And CNN news, which I follow daily, along with other news media’s, are the worse. Today’s headlines reads, “World rallies around Palestinians and the Gaza offensive,” now let’s think logically, there is a reason for that headlines, after days of highlighting Israel’s attack on the Palestine, rallied by CNN news, who said little prior to that about Israel being bombarded daily for months on end by the rockets coming out of Gaza killing, wounding, destroying parts of Israel, the cities, etc., what do you expect, a hug and a kiss? It doesn’t take a Ph.D., to figure it out; CNN created the monster, Israel is supposed to be. I bet if the high executives of CNN were over in Israel, before they started hitting back the enemy that has been hitting them for six months, with 10,000 rockets, they’d have pulled their children out mighty quick, but instead CNN creates a stampeded, and calls it world opinion.
President Bush, which I voted for the first time, and regretted the second, has at least good eyesight, he can see the smoke in the forest, and can figure it out, there’s fire someplace in yonder land, he knows right from wrong also, and the world is wrong, and so is CNN to blast Israel for trying to make it safe for their citizens to have a good night’s sleep. Germany, France and Spain, and a lot more of Europe are Jew haters, and the world knows this, if not, the world is sleeping on it, so if they go to the streets in protest, we all know why, they’d like to burn them alive, and they will again, when the United States goes to sleep, or if not, they will hope the Middle East will do it for them.
CNN mentions a few other countries, to build up their criteria that they are justified in proclaiming the world is mad at what Israel is doing, which by the way I think is justified, by using Iran, and Egypt, and Jordon, along with Indonesia, Libya, all again Jew haters (Muslim countries this time), can they not find someone neutral? That is like me running to the loser of a fight, who tried to knock out his opponent with a slug hammer, and was spotted before he could slam it over his head, and now yelling to me, the referee (as the Palestinians did to the Jew Haters at the UN) and saying, “Unfair fight!” How rotten can you get? CNN has no blood in the face. And then the Palestine’s saying, “It is Hamas, and not all the people in Gaza, and we are paying the deadly price…” listen up PLO, Hamas is whom you voted for, and you get what you reap, or plant, if you plant poison, you get it. Israel knows the old saying, to have peace, you got to prepare for war, if they didn’t believe it that, they’d not be here today, by CNN standards. Caracas, Venezuela has even taken sides, and that is obvious why, they are hoping and allowing the Palestine’s to fight with them against the USA; what Venezuela doesn’t understand is, Hamas has no friends, and when the time comes, they will bake Venezuela alive. There are what you call a “Money see, Monkey do,” country, not much more.
Labels: Ed.D. and Poet Laureate