World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Federal Reserve System: by a Poet!

The Federal Reserve System: by a Poet!

To be honest, I don’t think many people know what the Federal Reserve is. I worked for a bank many years ago for eleven years total, had to go to the Federal Reserve now and then, and even the folks working in the so called System, didn’t know the workings of it, they just worked for it (I’m talking about the years between 1982 to 1993). I’m not all that smart about it either but I do know a few things, that I really do not like knowing about it. And to get off of my poetry for an evening, for I am a better poet than a economist, or article writer, I think so anyways, I thought I’d write a paragraph or two about it. Two may do.
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Can you buy stock in it? How did it come into existence? Is it really a reserve? Is it really a system? These are simple questions, nobody asks, perhaps the reason being, nobody really has the right answers, and where do you get them, not in Economics 101, or 701. I will answer them for you in my own way, and you can believe it or not. The Federal Reserve is owned basically by five families in America. In essence, the FRS is the central bank of or for, America, and since 1914, no one out side of the five families could buy stock in it. They have the monopoly on it. It doesn’t sound fair, but that’s the way it is.
A reserve bank they say it is? I don’t think so. They print money, not reserve it, and they print what they want, and somehow try to keep inflation down, buy printing without discrimination.
China and Japan own so much of our money, should they dump it on the world, it would take a million dollars to buy a new car that now cost $26,000—inflation would sink America back into the dark ages. If you are asking why they buy it in the first place, it is because they want to do business with us. I doubt you will find this information in your economic books, so don’t waste your time; it is behind the doors stuff. Again I say, we had a taste of the Federal Reserve System, in the 1920s with hyperinflation, guess who was the creators of that, you got it, the FRS.
This so called group I’m talking about has total control of the money, it almost sounds criminal, but the government has passed laws protecting these investors, whom nobody can subdue. It is clear to see, in future time, our paper currency, with our national debt, breaking the ankles of the American society as it is today. I’m surprised it has lasted this long.
Last but not least, the Federal Reserve System is not a system in the terms of what a system is considered being, that is, an organization by the government, although it is blessed by the government. It is a scheme that was put together in 1913, and activated in 1914, and became an organism of these five families, and has remained so ever since, and in their hands.
Actually, this would make for a good book, but I’m a poet, and this just would not fit into a poem, except perhaps “Black Sunday.”

Saturday, February 09, 2008

US Presidential Candidates: What is left? (2-9-2008)

US Presidential Candidates: What is left?
(Article 2-9-2008)

Back to the race for the Democratic ticket, sorry to say, but I must, we got two losers on the Democratic side, Obama, and Hillary: and one smiling Senator (McCain), and someone I never heard of before, trying to dethrone him. If that is the best America can come up with, the world is in trouble; Obama, is a dreamer with Iran, and not practical with Iraq. Hillary is a little more practical with Iraq, and far from the issues with Iran. With Hillary, another 9/11 is bound to happen, with Obama, a civil war in the USA, is bound to take place.
On national security, they both scare me, but Hillary is more open-minded.
The issue on immigrants, or immigration, both are strong in this area, and for that they both get an “A-plus,” but do they mean what they say? They want better security along the Mexican-American boarders, plus they want to hold employers responsible for breaking the law if caught hiring them, it’s about time.
On Abortion, Hillary is stronger than Obama, but what can a person expect from her. I am not for abortion, so what can I say, if that was the main issue, I’d go to the other side.
As far as the economy goes, Hillary is more apt to come through for the masses, and I get the feeling, Obama, is a little fearful of it, if he don’t give it away to the blacks, he will to the rich, or perhaps standstill and do nothing.
On climate change, Hillary is more practical than Obama, whom again, seems to be in dreamland.

It is always fun watching the election of a new president of the United States, it really involves the whole world. And for this reason, it is a serious event. President Bush was good for Americans as a whole, and for the world economically, they may not admit it, but they will find out now, if they pick Obama or Hillary, the world will not get its economic shot in the arm, they may get a better dollar rate though.