World Political Opinions of D.L. Siluk [II]

The Chilling macabre imagination of today's world offers a growing reputation as 'Tomorrow's Master of Horror,' TV programs, here are some of my opinions on the subject [or issues as they present themselves] D.L. Siluk

Monday, June 04, 2007

A Prayer for the Incarceration of Paris Hilton

A Prayer for the Incarceration of Paris Hilton

Solitude is rare to come by (a delicious commodity if only we were willing to buy it), and I suppose for the famous and rich, and the great minds of the world it is even harder to find, since they do not want to part with their old ways too easily. I do know this, solitude is where some of the greatest thinking takes place, where Hitler wrote his most famous book, where some of the poets got their most ardent desires met in verse, and were God has visited the blind, week, and not so wise, and it also goes the other way around. Perhaps Paris Hilton can take advantage of this time it may be the only time she will ever have to sort things out in life. Money and fame are fine, if used wise, but solitude is like uncut diamonds, if you find them, smooth them out later, and keep on grabbing them while you can; it may never come again.
And so with my little wisdom, perhaps her parents will support this, and let the blond haired heirs, grow wiser with her talents, she has a cleaver mind, she has to have, she had nothing, and got everything from it. Her parents may have gotten her the diamond sofa and golden silverware, but I doubt she ever rested in it. She must have watched her father’s eyes a lot; they know what to say, when, where and how.
So Kathy, sit back and relax, she’ll be fine; she’s a big girl now, bigger than you’d like to think. Three weeks will fly on buy, and she will make the most of it for three years after she is free from jail, and perhaps be the wiser and humbler for it, you do know the humble will inherit the earth, and end up in heaven, and I’m sure you realize you cannot buy heaven it is not for sale, so perhaps the only way she’ll find the path is now. She made a good decision, like Elvis, by going in second class to his destiny, she got my applause for that, and I don’t hand it out very easily.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Mr. Taylor: Hack and Stack Them High

Mr. Taylor: Hack and Stack Them High
Liberian ex-President Charles Taylor

African injustice (1991-2002)

Bag the limbs little boys,
Bring them to Mr. Taylor
Like a bag of toys—;
Sierra Leone’s diamonds…
Is what it’s all about?—
And the merciless killer king,
President Charles Taylor
And his monstrous boy scouts.
Hack and stack their bodies high
Axes and machetes will do—:
Bring on the sexual slaves also,
All for the glitter of Diamonds
(as the world watches the show);
Now it time for the tribunal.

Note: It is not news; it is old history, the poem above. If it is too atrocious to read, don’t read it, we all watched it on the internet, and T.V., and radio, and did nothing about it, like in Cambodia with Pol Pot, until it was too late, after he killed three million citizens; it was always in the news, magazines, etc., it was never out of sight, nor mind for me. The world expects the USA to do something about it, but when we do, the world turns on us like bear to honey; Mr. Taylor is the same age I am, I wonder if money or its purchase power can buy him a warm cell in hell, I get the feeling he will have blankets of worms to keep him warm in those arctic cells. But it tells me something more, that since the genocide of the Jews in WWII, the world has not changed much, in that it has an easy neck to simply turn away when it wants to, feels it has to, or simply doesn’t have to get involved, got to make it to the corner McDonalds before it closes.

Spotlight on World Events (June 3, 2007)) The dumb and the wise))

Spotlight on World Events
(June 3, 2007)) The dumb and the wise))

Something’s people do are just down right dumb, and sometimes I am surprised other folks wake up, like Japan, so let’s look at the Spotlight for today:

1) (CNN) “LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A British artist who last week ate a meal of meatballs made from a dead corgi dog in a protest against animal cruelty said on Sunday his next project involved being buried in a box under a mountain of mashed potato.” The article goes on to say, “McGowan said he ate the dog because he was angry that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of which the royal family is a patron, had not prosecuted Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, for hunting and killing a fox.”
It is obvious, McGowan doesn’t care one way or another about dogs, or foxes, or such foolish rights. I am not for the cruelty of animals, but in Vietnam I had dog-soup, and if cooked right it is pretty good; and don’t think it is so off the wall, simply because you are an American, or European. The world does not exist because of these countries. Peru has Ginny pig for lunch and dinner, I love it. And I like snake in Japan, and I like camel cook right in Cairo, and they eat horse in Malta. So what is the beef with dog and fox. Wake up McGowan I think you are on a big ego trip to show off.

2) Birth date: February 11, 1953 Status: Has not announced candidacy
(CNN) “ (Jeb)Bush has said in the past that he has no ambitions of succeeding his older brother as president in 2008, but that has not stopped the speculation. The two-term governor -- who was constitutionally barred from seeking a third term in 2006 -- guided Florida through eight hurricanes that ravaged the state in 2004 and 2005. He headed into the final months of his administration with a 55 percent job approval rating among Floridians. Bush failed in his first gubernatorial race in 1994 but won four years later.”
I am not sure what all this talk is about, but if Jeb wants to run, good luck, I suggest he look at his brothers track record, it is not so good this time around, perhaps he should have his father back him up if he runs. Many of us believed in our present Bush, President, not so much anymore, and Jeb needs to understand that it is thick in the minds of Americans, two deadbeats in the row is way too much.

3) GOSHOGAWARA, Japan (Reuters) –CNN some people sleep forever and never wake up, it is about time Japan has, and I am pound to say, they have, to a certain degree; they are turning from the chicken syndrome, to the old mighty warrior stance. I say that because of this: “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said that until the abduction issue has been resolved, Japan will not provide funds for a multilateral deal clinched in February, by which Pyongyang agreed to scrap its nuclear arms program in return for energy aid.” Actually, I’d take it a step further, I’d take the funds and build a nuclear arsenal, instead of heating the homes of the folks that told our women, rapped them, and then came proudly prancing down the ally, to notify all of Japan what they did, and laugh all the way to the bank with everyone’s money, the US, Japan, China, and South Korea in particular.
4) Putin, the President of Russia and Gorbachev, jour old friend is Russia, have said in so many words, the US is empire building, and Britain should have warned America against that. I a way I suppose both Putin and Gorbachev are right, but Putin is no Arch Angle either, and Gorbachev, even though he did a lot of good for the world, never really had intentions of creating a democracy, just a capitalist commune, that was headed by a empire, then of course, the walls came tumbling down. And I do not believe a new cold war is going to start, we are already in WWIII, it will just worsen until them or we, push the lever, it has been in the making for 55-years, let’s get on with the show, get it over with, if we are going to do it, let’s not pretend. There cannot be two generals standing on the same spot of land without one wanting the other to get off it. Say what you want, it has always been that way, we presently live in a pretense world, and the only think that has changed is the numbers from II to III. So it remains: who is ahead of whom!

5) BBC News “Two Palestinian men have been killed by Israeli troops in separate incidents in Nablus and Jenin in the West Bank.” And after 60-years the war continues, or should I say after 2500-years the war continues with the Jews and the Arabs, or the Jews and Palestinians, or the Jews and the world. There are many questions and obstacles here to peace, such as Jerusalem, water, the holy sites, history, empty peace talks, camps, activism, the Fatah and Hamas (both the same to me); my suggestion is to forget about peace, and go to war, and fight it out to the end—and I mean end, finish it off, instead of going on from year to year and prolonging all the suffering. Nobody really cares who is right or wrong. The world body hates Jews, and the Arabs Hate Jews, and so let the Jews stand on their own, and fight it out with Hamas, drive them into the sea, or are driven into sea. What will most likely happen is the Jews in the latter days will end up in Egypt; they do have a history with them. But between then and now is the question, which can live under such agony. Forget what the world body says, and eliminate the foe. That is what war is all about, and what Hama and the Fatah would like to do to the Jews, so let’ stop pretending the Jews are the bad guys, and should play fair.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Decomposed Peace (a poem)

Decomposed Peace (The Seeds of War and Peace with Death)

They bill it peace, in the process destroy,
That natural fiber is declining, now cursed;
They quay the secret seeds that decompose;
The barriers no longer provide peace:
Nor the mountains nor the seas, the stars;
Now tantrums dictate who will be harmed.
Satan built our peace, planted it with wars,
The little peace we had flew off like a fawn:
Before dawn, before light was set in motion.
Now we lay in our cold and worm-like tombs,
As it has been, so it will end for man,
Where under life, families reep ardent wounds;
Sterilize the cities, too many mouths to feed,
No more babies, no more life, no more crying.

They bill it peace, lies can burn, long and hot
They come like eggs, hard and soft, in frost;
A suffering pot of crickets, are they not?
You can ease their plotted minds, with ecstasy
Providing you have breasts and simplicity,
But they will swallow you like a pig in mud,
Cut you up, peer you, suck out all your blood.
There is no glory in peace or war, only trinkets
Solitude is in God, as is time and truth…
So we buy peace, with war, a childhood toy—
And one hundred million lives destroyed:
In less than a century; wars live on, not man
Beauty resides always, in the Creator’s hand.
No more babies, no more life, no more crying.

# W1864 6-2-2007

Note: Around the world everyday we see war, and people trying to make peace, a silly combination. Take any day, and look at its contradictions of peace for war, or war if not peace, watch the hypocrites in motion, in Iraq, we fight for peace with war, in Germany today, the G8 says they want to make a better world with Globalism, and 30,000-hypocrits fight with war, and hurt policemen, because they see things differently. And the police want peace, everyone wants peace, with a gun in their hands, or a bomb, or a stick. Lebanon, rages with war again today when the UN is there trying to make peace. NATO is at war in how many countries? Trying to make peace with guns; Nigerian rebels have just decided to have peace for a while, instead of attacks on the oil wells of that country. Tomorrow things will change, but only the face, not the guts and the hormones, they remain the same, war or peace, and peace cannot be without war. And we continue to dance in the circle.